
Creates a new binding which inherits from the kendo.data.Binder class.


Object—A new class which inherits the base methods.


prototype Object

A key/value pair of all methods that the new class will have.

Example - create a custom HTML element binding

<div data-bind="slide: slideChecked" style="background: orange; width: 100px; height: 100px"></div>
<label>Check to slide<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: slideChecked"></label>
kendo.data.binders.slide = kendo.data.Binder.extend({
    refresh: function() {
        var value = this.bindings["slide"].get();

        if (value) {
        } else {
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
  slideChecked: true
kendo.bind(document.body, viewModel);

Example - create a custom Kendo UI widget binding

<input data-role="numerictextbox" id="numeric" data-bind="value: value, max: max" />
kendo.data.binders.widget.max = kendo.data.Binder.extend({
  init: function(widget, bindings, options) {
      // Call the base constructor
      kendo.data.Binder.fn.init.call(this, widget.element[0], bindings, options);
  refresh: function() {
      var that = this,
      value = that.bindings["max"].get(); //get the value from the View-Model
      $(that.element).data("kendoNumericTextBox").max(value); //update the widget
var viewModel = kendo.observable( {
  value: 10,
  max: 100
kendo.bind(document.body, viewModel);
In this article