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WCAG 2.2 Compliance

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which are set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) define recommendations for making web content accessible to people with physical and cognitive disabilities. WCAG defines accessibility principles with their respective success criteria. Depending on the implemented success criteria by a web application, the WCAG provide the A, AA, and AAA levels of accessibility conformance.

The Kendo UI components also conform to the technical standards set out in Section 508 (Latest Amendment) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. They represent the law that requires all Federal Agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. For detailed information on the accessibility features according to the Section 508 Web content standards Kendo UI delivers, refer to the article about Section 508.

Applications built with components that adhere to these guidelines will not only be accessible to people with disabilities, but also to users of all kinds of devices and interfaces such as desktop browsers, voice browsers, mobile phones, automobile-based personal computers, and so on.

The following table lists the Section 508 and WCAG compliance levels of support for the Kendo UI components.

The described level of compliance in the table below is achievable with the Ocean Blue A11y Sass Swatch.

Table 1: 508 and WCAG 2.2 compliance with Kendo UI widgets

Component WCAG 2.2 Accessibility Example
ActionSheet AA Demo
AIPrompt AA n/a
AppBar AA Demo
AutoComplete AA Demo
Avatar AA Demo
BarCode AAA Demo
BottomNavigation n/a Demo
Breadcrumb AA Demo
Button AA Demo
ButtonGroup AA Demo
Calendar AA Demo
Captcha AA Demo
Charts AA Demo
Chat AA Demo
CheckBox AA n/a
CheckBoxGroup AA Demo
CircularGauge AA Demo
ComboBox AA Demo
ColorGradient AA Demo
ColorPalette n/a Demo
ColorPicker AA Demo
DateInput AA Demo
DatePicker AA Demo
DateTimePicker AA Demo
Diagram AA Demo
Dialog AA Demo
Drawer AA Demo
DropDownButton AA Demo
DropDownList AA Demo
DropDownTree* AA Demo
Editor AA Demo
ExpansionPanel AA Demo
FileManager AA Demo
Filter AA Demo
FlatColorPicker AA Demo
FloatingActionButton AA Demo
Form AA Demo
Gantt AA Demo
Grid AA Demo
ImageEditor AA Demo
Loader AA Demo
LinearGauge AA Demo
ListBox AA Demo
ListView AAA Demo
Map AA Demo
MaskedTextbox AA Demo
MediaPlayer n/a Demo
Menu AA Demo
MultiColumnComboBox AA Demo
MultiSelect AA Demo
Notification AA Demo
NumericTextbox AA Demo
OrgChart AA Demo
Pager AA Demo
PanelBar AA Demo
PivotGrid n/a n/a
PivotGridV2 n/a n/a
PopOver AA Demo
QRCode AAA Demo
RadialGauge AA Demo
RadioButton AA n/a
RadioGroup AA Demo
ResponsivePanel AA n/a
ScrollView AA Demo
Scheduler AA Demo
Slider AA Demo
SplitButton AA Demo
Splitter AA Demo
Spreadsheet AA Demo
Stepper AA Demo
Switch AA Demo
TabStrip AA Demo
TaskBoard AA Demo
TextArea AAA Demo
TextBox AA Demo
TileLayout AAA Demo
TimeLine AA Demo
TimeDurationPicker AA n/a
TimePicker AA Demo
ToolBar AA Demo
Tooltip AA Demo
TreeList AA Demo
TreeView AA Demo
Upload AA Demo
Window AA Demo
Wizard AA Demo

The DropDownTree component will be identified as non-compliant with the WAI-ARIA spec when tested with a static HTML analyzer if no selection in the component is present and the placeholder configuration is not used. That is because the DropDownTree wrapper element, which has role="listbox" will not contain any option elements. That is a known limitation of the component. Detailed information on the scenario is available in this GitHub issue.

BottomNavigation, ColorPalette, and Rating fail WCAG success criterion 1.4.11: Non-text Contrast for the focus indicator on its items.

See Also

In this article