Creating PEM certificate


Product Version 1.0.0 and above
3rd-party tool OpenSSL
Supported OS Linux


Third-party tools (like Docker) and some operating systems (some Linux distributions) accept trust certificates in PEM format. How to generate Fiddler's CA in PEM format?

Exporting Fiddler's CA as PEM

You can use the built-in functionality to export the Fiddler Everywhere CA in PEM format:

  • Open Settings > HTTPS > Advanced Settings.

  • From the drop-down menu choose Export Root Certificate (PEM/ASCII format).

Then manually install and trust the exported PEM in the third-party tool while following the tool's official guidelines.

Some Linux distributions are also expecting PEM instead of CRT. You can convert the certificate to PEM and then follow the base instructions for installing and trusting the root certificate on Linux.