Composing Basic Authentication Requests


Product Version 1.0.1 and above


In the context of an HTTP transaction, Basic Access Authentication is a method for an HTTP user agent (for example, a web browser) to provide a user name and password when making a request. In Basic HTTP Authentication, a request contains a header field in the form of Authorization: Basic <base64 string> where credentials are the Base64 encoding of username and password joined by a single colon (:).

How can I create a request for APIs that require authentication in Fiddler Everywhere?


Create a request for APIs that require authentication by using the Composer and check the complete example of the suggested approach.

Creating a Basic Authentication Request

The following steps provide an overview of the procedure for creating a basic authentication request:

  1. Select the Composer tab.

  2. Set the HTTP/HTTPS method to GET and add the URL in the URL field.

  3. Create an object in the request Body and the user and passwd variables and their values. In this object, user and passwd are the predefined variables for the Basic Authentication.

  4. Add an Authorization key to the header:

    • Encode the value of the <username>:<password> string with a Base64 converter and note the encoded value.

    • In the Headers tab, set the Key to Authorization and add the encoded <username>:<password> under Value.

    • Add a Description for the key. Click the tick to add the Authorization key.

Basic Authentication Request Example

  1. In the Composer tab, set the HTTP/HTTPS method to GET and add in the URL field.

    The URL includes the following fields:

    • The HTTP request and response service.

    • The authentication scheme basic-auth.

    • The values of the user and passwd variables: user1 and pass1.

  2. Create a JSON object in the Body tab:

    The predefined variables for Basic Authentication are user and passwd. Set their values to user1 and pass1, respectively.

    JSON Body

  3. Add the Authorization key in the Headers tab:

    • Encode the value of the <username>:<password> string with a Base64 converter. The resulting string from the encoding of user1:pass1 is dXNlcjE6cGFzczE=.

    • In Headers tab, set the Key to Authorization.

    • Set the Value to Basic dXNlcjE6cGFzczE=.

    • Add a Description for the key, and select the tick to add the Authorization key.

    Authorization Key

After performing all the above steps, select Execute that is located at the right side of the URL field to send the request.

Clicking the Execute button adds two more keys to the Headers tab named Host and Content-Length:

Following the above steps will create Basic Authentication with Fiddler Everywhere. To check, go through the Response Inspector section of the Composer. A successful request will return status 200 from the server along with the server-specific payload:

Full API request demonstration the testing a basic authentication request

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