RadAutoComplete control has been replaced with RadAutoCompleteView and will be removed from the suite soon. You can read about the differences between both components and how to migrate to the new RadAutoCompleteView in the kb article here: Replace AutoComplete with AutoCompleteView
Data Binding
For all cases where the business items are not simple strings data-binding is necessary in order to correctly visualize information. The RadAutoComplete component supports data binding in the form of path properties.
- TextSearchPath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property the search function will be executed against.
- ImagePath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property holding a path to an image. This property is optional.
The TextSearchPath property is required in data-binding scenarios.
The RadAutoComplete component provides a default template for suggestion items that cannot be modified. You can use a custom template if you need to customize the suggestion items.
Here is a simple view model that will be used as data source for the RadAutoComplete suggestions.
Here is how to setup the RadAutoComplete: