Getting Started

This article will guide you through the steps needed to add a basic RadBusyIndicator control in your application.

1. Setting up the app

Take a look at the Getting Started article how to setup the Telerik Blazor Mobile Bindings for Xamarin project.

2. Adding the required Telerik references

Let’s add the RadBusyIndicator to the project. To do this, we'll need to add the Telerik references that the RadBusyIndicator requires.

You have two options:

  • Add the Telerik.UI.for.Xamarin.Blazor Nuget package following the instructions from the Telerik Nuget package server topic.

  • Add the references to Telerik assemblies manually, check the list bellow with the required assemblies for RadBusyIndicator component:

Platform Assemblies
Portable Telerik.XamarinForms.Blazor.Primitives.dll
Android Telerik.Xamarin.Android.Primitives.dll
iOS Telerik.Xamarin.iOS.dll

After that we need to add the Telerik.XamarinForms.Blazor.Primitives in our _Imports.razor page:

@using Telerik.XamarinForms.Blazor.Primitives;

RadBusyIndicator is rendered via the SkiaSharp graphics library so you need to install also SkiaSharp.Views.Forms in all projects of the xamarin solution (.NET Standard, Android, iOS).

3. Adding RadBusyIndicator control

The busy indicator is a layout control that can display two views depending on its current state - busy and not-busy. You can define the state of the control via its IsBusy property. The default value is False and the control's normal content is displayed. If you change it to True, the busy content is displayed, which by default is a spinning balls animation. Check the Animations article to see the built-in animations, how to change them and how to us a custom animation.

<RadBusyIndicator AnimationContentHeightRequest="100"
            <Label Text="This is the content of the RadBusyIndicator control displayed when the indicator is not busy." />

And the result when RadBusyIndicator IsBusy is True

BusyIndicator example

See Also

In this article