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Here is a list of events exposed by the RadSyntaxEditor control:

  • PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyUp: Occurs before the KeyUp event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
  • PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyDown: Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
  • PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseLeftButtonDown: Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control.
  • PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseRightButtonDown: Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control.
  • PreviewSyntaxEditorInput: Occurs when the control receives keyboard input.
  • ScaleFactorChanged: Occurs when the ScaleFactor of the control changes.
  • ViewportChanged: Occurs when the viewport changes. This can happen when the control is resized, it is scrolled, or if its ScaleFactor changes.
  • DocumentChanging: Occurs when the current document is about to change.
  • DocumentChanged: Occurs when the current document has changed.
  • DocumentContentChanging: Occurs when the document's content is about to change.
  • DocumentContentChanged: Occurs when the document's content has changed.
  • LayoutPropertiesChanged: Occurs when one of the layout related properties has changed.
  • IsReadOnlyChanged: Occurs when the IsReadOnly property of the control has changed.
  • CommandExecuting: Occurs when a command is about to be executed.
  • CommandExecuted: Occurs when a command has been executed.
  • CommandError: Occurs when a command has been canceled due to an error.
  • SelectionChanged: Occurs when the selection of the control changes.
  • TextSearched: Occurs when text is searched in the document.
  • SearchPanelOpened: Occurs when the search panel is opened. The event is fired by the protected OnSearchPanelOpened method of the RadSyntaxEditor which can in turn be overridden to invoke custom logic.
  • SearchPanelClosed: Occurs when the search panel is closed. The event is fired by the protected OnSearchPanelClosed method of the RadSyntaxEditor which can in turn be overridden to invoke custom logic.


As of R1 2020, the CompletionListWindow which is of type CompletionListPopup exposes a TextInserting event. Its arguments are of type CompletionListTextInsertingEventArgs and provide the following properties:

  • Cancel: Gets or sets a value indication whether the text insertion should be cancelled.
  • SpanToReplace: Gets or sets the span which will be replaced with the inserted text.
  • TextToInsert: Gets or sets the text that is selected from the CompletionListPopup.

Example 1 demonstrates how to use this event to replace the text which was entered before an item from the completion list was selected.

Example 1: Handle the TextInserting event

private void CompletionListWindow_TextInserting(object sender, CompletionListTextInsertingEventArgs e) 
    string lineText = this.syntaxEditor.Document.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(this.syntaxEditor.CaretPosition.Index).GetText(); 
    string[] splitted = lineText.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); 
    string lastWord = splitted.Last(); 
    if (e.TextToInsert.ToLower().StartsWith(lastWord.ToLower())) 
        int wordLength = lastWord.Length; 
        int spanEnd = e.SpanToReplace.Start; 
        e.SpanToReplace = Telerik.Windows.SyntaxEditor.Core.Text.Span.FromBounds(spanEnd - wordLength, spanEnd); 

See Also

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