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Keyboard Support

Telerik RichTextBox for WPF supports the commanding mechanism in WPF. There are default key-bindings defined for the most widely used commands.

Action Hotkey
Open new document Ctrl+N
Open existing document Ctrl+O
Save Ctrl+S
Print Ctrl+P
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Cut Ctrl+X
Delete Delete
Delete previous symbol Back, Ctrl+Back, Shift+Back
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
InsertLineBreak Shift+Enter
InsertPageBreak Ctrl+Enter
InsertColumnBreak Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Enter
ToggleBold Ctrl+B, Ctrl+Shift+B
ToggleItalic Ctrl+I, Ctrl+Shift+I
ToggleSuperscript Ctrl+'+'
ToggleSubscript Ctrl+Shift+'+'
ToggleUnderline Ctrl+U
ToggleFormattingSymbols Ctrl+D8, Shift+D8
ClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
CopyFormatting Ctrl+Shift+C
PasteFormatting Ctrl+Shift+V
CancelFormatPainter or ExitHeaderFooterEditMode, depending on the current editing context Esc
IncrementFontSize Ctrl+Shift+OemPeriod
DecrementFontSize Ctrl+Shift+OemComma
ChangeTextAlignment with parameter RadTextAlignment.Justify Ctrl+J
ChangeTextAlignment with parameter RadTextAlignment.Right Ctrl+R
ChangeTextAlignment with parameter RadTextAlignment.Left Ctrl+L
ChangeTextAlignment with parameter RadTextAlignment.Center Ctrl+E
TabForward Tab
TabBackward Shift+Tab
InsertText with parameter "\t" Ctrl+Tab
Insert non-breaking space Ctrl+Space
SelectAll Ctrl+A
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.Previous Left Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.Next Right Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.PreviousWord Ctrl+Left Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.NextWord Ctrl+Right Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.Up Upper Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.Down Down Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections. ParagraphStart Ctrl+Upper Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections. ParagraphEnd Ctrl+Down Arrow
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.Home Home
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.DocumentStart. This moves the caret at the first position of the document. Ctrl+Home
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.End End
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.DocumentEnd Ctrl+End
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.PageUp PageUp
MoveCaret with parameter MoveCaretDirections.PageDown PageDown
ShowSpellCheckingDialog F7
ShowFindReplaceDialog Ctrl+F
ShowFontPropertiesDialog Ctrl+D
ShowInsertHyperlinkDialog Ctrl+K

Now these key bindings can be overridden and customized to the liking of the user. What is more, new bindings can be added to both the Commands exposed through the RichTextBoxCommands class or to user-defined ones in a quite straight-forward way. This is how it can be done in XAML:

Example 1: Customize InputBindings

<telerik:RadRichTextBox Name="radRichTextBox"> 
    <!-- Bind Spell Checking to Ctrl+Shift+S --> 
    <KeyBinding Gesture="Ctrl+Shift+S" Command="telerikDocs:RichTextBoxCommands.ShowSpellCheckingDialog"/> 
    <!-- Stop Toggle Bold on Ctrl+Shift+B --> 
    <KeyBinding Gesture="Ctrl+Shift+B"/> 
    <!-- Re-map Ctrl+Space from Clear Formating to ShowManageBookmarksDialog --> 
    <KeyBinding Gesture="Ctrl+Space" Command="telerikDocs:RichTextBoxCommands.ShowManageBookmarksDialog"/> 
Please note that in the above code snippet the telerikDocs namespace is defined as follows:

Example 2: Namespace definition


Example 3: Disable the shortcut for creating a new document in code-behind

Some of the key combinations included by default in RadRichTextBox pass different parameters to the commands so that they can execute according to the current context. An example of such commands are TabForward and TabBackward.
  • By default, the tab symbol can always be inserted with Ctrl+Tab shortcut.

  • By default, the Tab shortcut is bound to the TabForward command - a command with more complex, context-dependent behavior. You can remap the shortcut to the InsertText command with the tab symbol as a parameter.

Example 4: Remap the shortcut to different command

<telerik:RadRichTextBox > 
        <KeyBinding Gesture="Tab" Command="telerikDocs:RichTextBoxCommands.InsertText" CommandParameter="&#x09;" /> 
You can fine-tune the behavior of the TabForward command, which is bound to the Tab shortcut by default using the exposed parameter values.

Example 5: Customize command behavior through its parameters

    <KeyBinding Gesture="Tab" Command="telerikDocs:RichTextBoxCommands.TabForward" CommandParameter="InsertTabSymbol, ChangeParagraphListLevel, ChangeParagraphLeftIndent, NavigateInTable, AppendTableRow" /> 

You can check the Simulate Watermark SDK example which demonstrates how you can modify the InputBindings collection of RadRichTextBox in code-behind.

Sometimes overriding the key bindings does not provide sufficient support, as depending on the language and the keyboard, different ModifierKeys are registered. For example, pressing RightAlt causes Control and Alt to be sent as arguments to the PreviewKeyDown event. Thus, RightAlt+E triggers a formatting command for paragraph alignment instead of inputting the ę character. In that case, you can handle the PreviewEditorKeyDown event in the following way:

Example 6: Customizing the behavior of a keyboard combination

  this.radRichTextBox.PreviewEditorKeyDown += (sender, args) => 
         if (Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Alt) && Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control) && args.Key == Key.E) 
             args.SuppressDefaultAction = true; 
             args.OriginalArgs.Handled = true; 

See Also

In this article