Latest Release Notes
You can check the latest Release Notes here.
Q1 2015
You can check the Release Notes for version Q1 2015.
Q2 2014
What's Fixed
Memory leak in DataFormComboBoxField
DataFormComboBoxField clears its selected value, when switching between data templates
Changes on the ItemsSource Collection are not reflected in the UI
NullReferenceException in RadDataForm.OnCurrentItemPropertyChanged()
Design-time NullReferenceException in CanMoveCurrentToFirstExecute()
Q1 2014
What's Fixed
- An exception is thrown on changing the theme using StyleManager
Q3 2013
What's Fixed
CanDelete and CanAdd properties are not correctly set when CurrentItem is bound and no ItemsSource is set.
When DataForm and GridView use ICollectionView synchronization and the grid is filtered and has only one item, DataForm navigation buttons are not all disabled
No data field is generated for dynamic property with null value
ArgumentNullException in CollectionHelper.AreEqual
ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when items are deleted
TextBox editors jump in edit mode (Windows8 and Office2013 themes)
Q2 2013
What's Added
German localization
TypeConverter support
Keyboard navigation + extandability through a command provider
Improve MVVM support by adding command provider support
What's Fixed
Corresponding navigation buttons are not active when AutoCommit="False", an item has been edited and delete button is clicked
RadDataForm with AutoCommit="False" gets into erroneous state when navigating away from unmodified item in edit mode
NullReferenceException caused by Add button when GridView is filtered and has collection synchronization with DataForm
Editors in manually-generated data fields does not get the default theme
LabelStyle DependencyProperty is not registered correctly
Cancel button should be enabled even if there are not pending changes
RadDataForm throws-design time exception in VS2012 WPF, when CustomCommandProvider is used
Q1 2013
What's Added
XML comment and access modifier
Nullable enum support for auto-generated fields
MVVM improvements
CommandProvider support
What's Fixed
CurrentItem is not updated on moving back/forth if form has been unloaded/ reloaded
Cannot properly apply a new ControlTemplate through the ValidationSummaryStyle property
Occasionally fields hang in readonly state when ApplicationTheme is set
Navigation through the items if there is group descriptor applied to the source collection
AddNewItem sets the DataForm into edit mode when RadDataForm and RadGridView are bound to the same source and grouping is applied
CurrentItem is not properly updated when items are asynchronously loadeds
Q3 2012 SP1
What's Fixed
Cannot properly apply a new ControlTemplate through the ValidationSummaryStyle property
CurrentItem is not updated on moving back/forth if form has been unloaded/ reloaded
Q3 2012
What's Added
- EnablePropertyChangedBasedCancel - property to disable PropertyChanged-based cancelling
What's Fixed
Initial values of cancelled properties are no longer cached
Wrong registration of the LabelStyle DependencyProperty
Adding new item is disabled if the source is set after data form is created
Memory leak when reloading a DataForm multiple times
Q2 2012 SP2
What's Fixed
- Adding new item is disabled if the source is set after data form is created
Q2 2012 SP1
What's Added
- French localization.
What's Fixed
ArgumentNullException is thrown when firing PropertyChanged with null
AutoEdit mode
CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture are now respected
The wrong registration of the LabelStyle DependencyProperty
Q2 2012
What's Added
IsComboboxEditable property for DataFormComboBoxField
DataTemplateSelectors support
What's Fixed
Error with a binding validation error that is not associated with any field
OK and Cancel Buttons are not enabled if you change nullable int value
An exception try/catched with CancelEdit mechanism when RadDataForm is bound to DataTable
BindingExpressionPath errors with CommandButtonsVisiblity are now fixed
Q1 2012 SP1
What's Added
INotifyPropertyChanged cancelling mechanism (IEditableObject cancelling has higher priority)
LabelTemplate (DataTemplate) property in the DataFormDataField class
What's Fixed
Cancelling new item do not work in some occasions when AutoCommit is true
Navigation buttons do not get disabled when AutoCommit is false and there are uncommitted pending changes
Navigating to another item commits changes when AutoCommit is false
Cancel edit for a new, already committed item, leads to an “empty” item, when AutoCommit is true
Item level validation errors display property name instead of label in the validation summary
Q1 2012
What's Added
- Improved item-level validation for RIA entities
What's Fixed
Autogenerated DataFormDataFields (TextBox) do not update their UI properly when item is a FormatException occurs and IEditableObject. CancelEdit is invoked
In some isolated cases, validation errors permanently block RadDatform’s commit operation
In some cases, item-level validation errors are not properly removed from the validation summary
IsThreeState property of DataFormCheckBoxField is not respected
Q3 2011 SP1
What's Fixed
- RadDataForm validation
Q1 2011
- RadDataForm has been just added to the Telerik WPF suite.