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This article describes the release history of the control.

For the complete Release History of UI for WPF go to What's New Section.

Q3 2013

What's Fixed

  • When the ComboBox is focused via some other controls event the focus is passed and lost immediately

  • ComboBox UI issue in Transparent Theme

Q2 2013

What's Fixed

  • Make the scrolling smooth with touch framework

Q1 2013

What's New

  • DropDownWidth property is added

What's Fixed

  • When theme is set in XAML through StyleManager and the ItemsSource is set in XAML the RadComboBoxItems are with default theme

  • Setting IsMouseWheelEnabled = False has no effect

  • CanAutocompleteSelectItems=false doesn't highlight the item, when there is already selected item

  • Made the ItemsControl.IsTextSearchCaseSensitive work for RadComboBox

  • When the DropDown is open and EnableMouseWheel is true, when scrolling outside the ComboBox the Popup stays open and detaches from the control

  • The selection is reset when Select Control Pattern of an ComboBoxItem automation peer is called

In this article