This article describes the release history of the control.
For the complete Release History of UI for WPF go to What's New Section.
Q3 2013
What's Fixed
When the ComboBox is focused via some other controls event the focus is passed and lost immediately
ComboBox UI issue in Transparent Theme
Q2 2013
What's Fixed
- Make the scrolling smooth with touch framework
Q1 2013
What's New
- DropDownWidth property is added
What's Fixed
When theme is set in XAML through StyleManager and the ItemsSource is set in XAML the RadComboBoxItems are with default theme
Setting IsMouseWheelEnabled = False has no effect
CanAutocompleteSelectItems=false doesn't highlight the item, when there is already selected item
Made the ItemsControl.IsTextSearchCaseSensitive work for RadComboBox
When the DropDown is open and EnableMouseWheel is true, when scrolling outside the ComboBox the Popup stays open and detaches from the control
The selection is reset when Select Control Pattern of an ComboBoxItem automation peer is called