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Chart Types

RadChartView consists of three charting components that derive form the same base class - RadChartBase. This articles covers the charts' API properties and events.


This section presents the available properties in the RadChartBase control.

Common Properties:

  • Behaviors: A property of type ChartBehaviorCollection which gets the collection of the active behaviors. You can add instances of the available behaviors into that collection to activate them.

  • LegendItems: A property of type LegendItemCollection which gets the legend items generated by the charting control. This collection can be used in combination with the RadLegend control.

  • SeriesProvider: A property of type ChartSeriesProvider which gets or sets the object that can dynamically create series. This property is handy when the number of the series is not known in advance or if that number is changing dynamically.

  • EmptyContent: A property of type Object which gets or sets the content visualized when no series are defined.

  • EmptyContentTemplate: A property of type DataTemplate which specifies the template applied to the content visualized when no series are defined.

  • SelectedPoints: A property of type ReadOnlyDataPointCollection which gets or sets the selected data points.

Zoom and Pan properties:

  • MaxZoom: A property of type Size which gets or sets the maximum allowed zoom value.

  • MinZoom: A property of type Size which gets or sets the minimum allowed zoom value.

  • PanOffset: A property of type Point which gets or sets the horizontal and vertical offset of the viewport when the chart is zoomed.

  • Zoom: A property of type Size which gets or sets the current scale factor of the charting component.

Styling properties

  • DragZoomBorderStyle: A property of type Style which gets or sets the visual appearance of the DragZoomBorder element. This component is visualized when the user zoom-in the plot area with drag-zooming. The property expects a Style with its TargetType set to System.Windows.Controls.Border.

  • Palette: A property of type ChartPalette (enum) which gets or sets the palette that colors the chart's series.

  • PlotAreaStyle: A property of type Style which gets or sets the visual appearance of the plot area. The property expects a Style with its TargetType set to System.Windows.Controls.Border.

  • SelectionPalette: A property of type ChartPalette (enum) which gets or sets the color scheme used by the charting component to paint the selected data points.

  • TrackBallInfoStyle - A property of type Style which gets or sets the visual appearance of the TrackBall control. The property expects a Style with its TargetType set to Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChartView.TrackBallInfoControl.


  • UIUpdated: An event which occurs when the chart's UI gets updated. The event arguments are of type EventArgs.

  • PlotAreaClipChanged: An event which occurs when the chart's plot area gets changed. The event arguments are of type EventArgs.


This section presents the available properties in the RadCartesianChart control

Specific Properties:

  • Grid: A property of type CartesianChartGrid which gets or sets grid used to decorate the plot area with polar and angle lines.

  • HorizontalAxis: A property of type CartesianAxis which gets or sets the horizontal axis of the charting component.

  • VerticalAxis: A property of type CartesianAxis which gets or sets the vertical axis of the charting component.

  • Series: A property of type PresenterCollection which gets the series of the charting component. You can add and remove series from the collection.

  • SmartLabelsStrategy: A property of type ChartSmartLabelsStrategyBase which gets or sets the labels arranging strategy of the series. It is useful in cases where labels are overlapping.

  • Annotations: A property of type PresenterCollection which gets the annotations of the charting component. This collection can be used to visualize custom objects in the plot area.

  • HoverMode: A property of type ChartHoverMode (enum) which controls weather the series will fade out on mouse over.

Zoom and Pan properties:

  • HorizontalZoomRangeStart: A property of type Double which gets or sets where the horizontal zoom range will start. The valid values are from 0 to 1.

  • HorizontalZoomRangeEnd: A property of type Double which gets or sets where the horizontal zoom range will end. The valid values are from 0 to 1.

  • VerticalZoomRangeStart: A property of type Double which gets or sets where the vertical zoom range will start. The valid values are from 0 to 1.

  • VerticalZoomRangeEnd: A property of type Double which gets or sets where the vertical zoom range will end. The valid values are from 0 to 1.


  • PanOffsetChanged: An event which occurs when the chart's pan offset gets changed. The event will be fired only if ChartPanAndZoomBehavior is added in the Behaviors collection of the chart.

    The event arguments are passed with the ChartPanOffsetChangedEventArgs class which provides the following properties:

    • NewPanOffset: A property of type Point which gets the new pan offset.
    • PreviousPanOffset: A property of type Point which gets the previously applied pan offset.
  • ZoomChanged: An event which occurs when the chart's zoom gets changed. The event will be fired only if ChartPanAndZoomBehavior is added in the Behaviors collection of the chart.

    The event arguments are passed with the ChartZoomChangedEventArgs class which provides the following properties:

    • NewZoom: A property of type Size which gets the new zoom level.
    • PreviousZoom: A property of type Size which gets the previously applied zoom level.


This section presents the properties exposed by the RadPolarChart control

Specific Properties

  • Grid: A property of type PolarChartGrid which gets or sets grid used to decorate the plot area with polar and angle lines.

  • PolarAxis: A property of type PolarAxis which gets or sets the linear axis of the charting component.

  • RadialAxis: A property of type RadialAxis which gets or sets the circular axis of the charting component.

  • Series: A property of type PresenterCollection which gets the collection containing all the series presented by the control.

  • StartAngle: A property of type Double which gets or sets the angle at which the polar axis is anchored.

  • HoverMode: A property of type ChartHoverMode (enum) which controls weather the series will fade out on mouse over.


This section presents the properties exposed by the RadPieChart control

Specific Properties

  • Series: A property of type PresenterCollection which gets the collection containing all the series presented by the control.

  • HoverMode: A property of type PieChartHoverMode (enum) which controls weather the slices will fade out on mouse over. If it is set to “FadeOtherSeries”, when you mouse over a pie slice, all other slices will be fade out. The default value of this property is “None”.


This section presents the properties exposed by the RadFunnelChart control

Specific Properties

  • Series: A property of type PresenterCollection which gets the collection containing all the series presented by the control.

  • HoverMode: A property of type FunnelChartHoverMode that gets or sets the hover functionality. If it is set to “FadeOtherSeries”, when you mouse over a funnel datapoint, all other datapoints will be fade out. The default value of this property is “None”.