This article lists the new features added to RadChartView.
To see the fixes and features included in our latest official release please refer to our Release History .
Q1 2014
What's Fixed
BarSeries with Stack CombineMode are rendered incorrectly when all DataPoints have zero Value
DateTimeContinuousAxis produces too many labels when zoom in to the max and then zoomed out with double clicking the slider
Stroke property of LineSeries does not override palette color when set in style
Light renderer sometimes leaves an empty pixel between two adjacent lines
GetDataPointVisual method returns recycled containers.
Doughnut slices don't explode on mouse click
ScatterPoint visual elements are doubled when PointSize is changed
Bar width is not recalculated on zoom with DateTimeContinuousAxis axis
Annotations are positioned incorrectly when zooming on a DateTimeContinuousAxis
What's New
Introduce Direct2D Rendering for ChartView
Introduce light rendering for all series
Introduce DefaultVisualStyleSelector
Implement TickOrigin for LinearAxis
Q3 2012
Added LineSeries.RenderMode property
- SeriesRenderMode.Full (default) - the current rendering mechanism is used
- SeriesRenderMode.Light - a new, faster rendering is used, which allows instant rendering of tens of thousands of points
- SeriesRenderMode.Full (default) - the current rendering mechanism is used
Added annotations support for RadCartesianChart and RadPolarChart
- CartesianGridLineAnnotation – allows you to place custom gridline associated with a specific axis in RadCartesianChart
- CartesianPlotBandAnnotation – allows you to place custom plot band (marked zone, stripe) associated with a specific axis in RadCartesianChart
- CartesianCustomAnnotation – allows you to place custom content associated with specific horizontal and vertical axes in RadCartesianChart
- PolarAxisGridLineAnnotation – allows you to place custom gridline associated with the polar axis in RadPolarChart
- PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation – allows you to place custom plot band (marked zone, stripe) associated with the polar axis in RadPolarChart
- RadialAxisGridLineAnnotation – allows you to place custom gridline associated with the radial axis in RadPolarChart
- RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation – allows you to place custom plot band (marked zone, stripe) associated with the radial axis in RadPolarChart
- PolarCustomAnnotation – allows you to place custom content in RadPolarChart.
- CartesianGridLineAnnotation – allows you to place custom gridline associated with a specific axis in RadCartesianChart
Added touch support
Exposed public API for conversion from physical to data units for RadCartesianChart and RadPolarChart (i.e. point physically located at [x,y] coordinates in the drawing canvas, represents data value 400)
- RadCartesianChart.ConvertPointToData(point)
- RadCartesianChart.ConvertPointToData(point, horizontalAxis, verticalAxis)
- RadPolarChart.ConvertPointToData(point)
- RadCartesianChart.ConvertPointToData(point)
Added DoughnutSeries type
Added RangeBarSeries type
Added RangeSeries type