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Data Binding to WCF Service

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to populate a RadChart with data from a WCF Service in two ways:

This tutorial will use the Northwind database, which can be downloaded from here.

Before proceeding further with this tutorial you need to create a new application and add a RadChart declaration in your XAML:

<telerik:RadChart x:Name="radChart" Margin="8" /> 

The chart control will be populated with the top 10 products from the Northwind database. On the Y axis the UnitPrice property will be displayed.

  • Add a new SeriesMapping to your chart declaration and set the LegendLabel property to "Products UnitPrice".

  • Add a new ItemMapping and set the following properties:

  • FieldName to UnitPrice

  • DataPointMember to YValue

<telerik:RadChart x:Name="radChart" Margin="8"> 
        <telerik:SeriesMapping LegendLabel="Products UnitPrice"> 
                <telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="UnitPrice" DataPointMember="YValue"/> 

Creating the WCF Service:

  • Add a new item "LINQ to SQL Classes" inside the web server project. Use the .dbml’s designer and drag the *Products *table onto the design surface:

WPF RadChart

  • Then add a new item "Silverlight-enabled WCF Service" to the server project. In the .svc.cs file add the following Linq query to get the first 10 Products from the table:

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] 
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] 
public class Service2 
    public List<Products> LoadTop10Products() 
        DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext(); 
        var query = from c in db.Products select c; 
        return query.Take(10).ToList(); 
<ServiceContract(Namespace:=""), AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode:=AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)> 
Public Class Service2 
    Public Function LoadTop10Products() As List(Of Products) 
        Dim db As New DataClasses1DataContext() 
        Dim query = From c In db.Products 
                    Select c 
        Return query.Take(10).ToList() 
    End Function 
End Class 

Now build the project before continuing.

Plain Method Calls

  • Add a reference to your WCF Service.

For more information about how to add a reference to a WCF Service and how to create a new instance of a WCF Service client, take a look at the Consuming WCF Service topic.

  • Switch to the code-behind and create a new instance of your WCF Service client.

MyService.Service2Client client = new MyService.Service2Client(); 
Dim client As New MyService.Service2Client() 

Add the following code in your xaml.cs which will make the initial load of the objects.

public void SetupService() 
    MyService.Service2Client client = new MyService.Service2Client(); 
    client.LoadTop10ProductsCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs>(client_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted); 
void client_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted(object sender, LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs e) 
    var products = e.Result; 
    this.radChart.ItemsSource = products; 
    this.radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.LabelRotationAngle = -90; 
Public Sub SetupClient() 
    Dim client As New MyService.Service2Client() 
    AddHandler client.LoadTop10ProductsCompleted, AddressOf client_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted 
End Sub 
Public Sub client_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs) 
    Dim products = e.Result 
    Me.radChart.ItemsSource = products 
    Me.radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.LabelRotationAngle = -90 
End Sub 

radChart.ItemsSource = serviceClient.LoadTop10Products(); 
radChart.ItemsSource = serviceClient.LoadTop10Products() 

Run your demo, the result can be seen on the next image:

WPF RadChart

Using MVVM Approach

This section will show you how to populate your RadChart control in a MVVM manner.

  • Create a new class named NorthwindDataSource.

public class NorthwindDataSource 
Public Class NorthwindDataSource 
End Class 
  • Add a reference to your WCF Service.

  • In the NorthwindDataSource class add a reference to an ObservableCollection of Products.

  • In the NorthwindDataSource class add a reference to your WCF Service client.

public class NorthwindDataSource 
    private SampleWcfServiceClient serviceClient; 
    public NorthwindDataSource() 
        this.serviceClient = new SampleWcfServiceClient(); 
        this.Products = new ObservableCollection<Products>(); 
    public ObservableCollection<Products> Products 
Public Class NorthwindDataSource 
    Private serviceClient As SampleWcfServiceClient 
    Public Sub New() 
        Me.serviceClient = New SampleWcfServiceClient() 
        Me.Products = New ObservableCollection(Of Products)() 
    End Sub 
    Private _Products As ObservableCollection(Of Products) 
    Public Property Products() As ObservableCollection(Of Products) 
            Return _Products 
        End Get 
        Set(ByVal value As ObservableCollection(Of Products)) 
            _Products = value 
        End Set 
    End Property 
End Class 

For more information about how to add a reference to a WCF Service and how to create a new instance of a WCF Service client, take a look at the Consuming WCF Service topic.

  • Add the following code in the constructor of the NorthwindDataSource. It will make the initial load of all Products from the database:

this.serviceClient.LoadTop10ProductsCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs>(serviceClient_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted); 

foreach ( Products p in serviceClient.LoadTop10Products() ) 
    this.Products.Add( p ); 
For Each p As Products In serviceClient.LoadTop10Products() 
AddHandler Me.serviceClient.LoadTop10ProductsCompleted, AddressOf serviceClient_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted 

private void serviceClient_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted(object sender, LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs e) 
    foreach (Products p in e.Result) 
Private Sub serviceClient_LoadTop10ProductsCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LoadTop10ProductsCompletedEventArgs) 
    For Each p As Products In e.Result 
End Sub 
  • Declare the NorthwindDataSource object as a resource in your application.

    <example:NorthwindDataSource x:Key="DataSource"/> 
  • Update your chart declaration - set the ItemsSource property.

<telerik:RadChart x:Name="radChart" Margin="8"     
                  ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource DataSource}, Path=Products}"> 
        <telerik:SeriesMapping LegendLabel="Products UnitPrice"> 
                <telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="UnitPrice" DataPointMember="YValue"/> 

Here it is shown how the final result should look like:

WPF RadChart

See Also

In this article