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Control the Series Items overlapping via ZIndex property

The following article demonstrates how to control the overlapping of Bubbles when they are positioned too close. By selecting one of the Bubbles the Canvas.ZIndex attached property will increase it's value (by default it is 0) which will cause the selected Bubble to be positioned over the others.

1. Create a class of Business Objects that will be used to populate the Chart:

public class UserDataPoint 
        private double _y; 
        private double _bubbleSize; 
        private string _legendLabel; 
        public UserDataPoint() 
        public UserDataPoint(double x, double y) 
            this._y = y; 
        public double Y 
                return _y; 
                this._y = value; 
        public double BubbleSize 
                return _bubbleSize; 
                this._bubbleSize = value; 
        public string LegendLabel 
                return _legendLabel; 
                this._legendLabel = value; 
    public static class SeriesExtensions 
        public static List<UserDataPoint> GetUserBubbleData() 
            List<UserDataPoint> points = new List<UserDataPoint>(); 
            points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(20, -100)); 
            points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(40, 100)); 
            points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(80, -20)); 
            points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(60, 10)); 
            return points; 
        private static UserDataPoint CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(double valueY, double bubbleSize) 
            UserDataPoint dataPnt = new UserDataPoint(); 
            dataPnt.Y = valueY; 
            dataPnt.BubbleSize = bubbleSize; 
            return dataPnt; 
Public Class UserDataPoint 
            Private _y As Double 
            Private _bubbleSize As Double 
            Private _legendLabel As String 
            Public Sub New() 
            End Sub 
            Public Sub New(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) 
                  Me._y = y 
            End Sub 
            Public Property Y() As Double 
                        Return _y 
                  End Get 
                  Set(ByVal value As Double) 
                        Me._y = value 
                  End Set 
            End Property 
            Public Property BubbleSize() As Double 
                        Return _bubbleSize 
                  End Get 
                  Set(ByVal value As Double) 
                        Me._bubbleSize = value 
                  End Set 
            End Property 
            Public Property LegendLabel() As String 
                        Return _legendLabel 
                  End Get 
                  Set(ByVal value As String) 
                        Me._legendLabel = value 
                  End Set 
            End Property 
End Class 
      Public NotInheritable Class SeriesExtensions 
            Private Sub New() 
            End Sub 
            Public Shared Function GetUserBubbleData() As List(Of UserDataPoint) 
                  Dim points As New List(Of UserDataPoint)() 
                  points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(20, -100)) 
                  points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(40, 100)) 
                  points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(80, -20)) 
                  points.Add(CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(60, 10)) 
                  Return points 
            End Function 
            Private Shared Function CreateBubbleUserDataPoint(ByVal valueY As Double, ByVal bubbleSize As Double) As UserDataPoint 
                  Dim dataPnt As New UserDataPoint() 
                  dataPnt.Y = valueY 
                  dataPnt.BubbleSize = bubbleSize 
                  Return dataPnt 
            End Function 
      End Class 
2. Create a BubbleViewModel class:

public class BubbleViewModel 
        private List<UserDataPoint> _bubbleData; 
        public List<UserDataPoint> BubbleData 
                if (this._bubbleData == null) 
                    this._bubbleData = SeriesExtensions.GetUserBubbleData(); 
                return this._bubbleData; 
Public Class BubbleViewModel 
Private _bubbleData As List(Of UserDataPoint) 
Public ReadOnly Property BubbleData() As List(Of UserDataPoint) 
If Me._bubbleData Is Nothing Then 
Me._bubbleData = SeriesExtensions.GetUserBubbleData() 
End If 
Return Me._bubbleData 
End Get 
End Property 
End Class 
3. Add a new RadChart declaration and new SeriesMapping (the Chart is populated via Manual Series Mapping).

<TelerikChart:RadChart x:Name="RadChart1" ItemsSource="{Binding BubbleData}"> 
                <TelerikCharting:SeriesMapping LegendLabel="Bubble Series 0"> 
                        <TelerikCharting:BubbleSeriesDefinition  ItemStyle="{StaticResource CustomBubble}" BubbleSizeRelative="False"> 
                                <TelerikCharting:InteractivitySettings HoverScope="Item" SelectionMode="Single" SelectionScope="Item" /> 
                        <TelerikCharting:ItemMapping FieldName="Y" DataPointMember="YValue" /> 
                        <TelerikCharting:ItemMapping FieldName="BubbleSize" DataPointMember="BubbleSize" /> 

Selection of Bubble Items is achieved via Interactivity Effects feature of the RadChart.

4. In the MainPage.xaml.cs subscribe to SelectionChanged event of the ChartArea and make sure there is only one Bubble Item Selected. Set the Canvas.ZIndex property of the selected Bubble to 2000 and make it 0 for all others:

public MainPage() 
            this.RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler<ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs>(ChartArea_SelectionChanged); 
        void ChartArea_SelectionChanged(object sender, ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1) 
        private void SelectItem(DataPoint point) 
            var bubbles = this.RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.ChildrenOfType<Bubble>(); 
            foreach (Bubble item in bubbles) 
            Bubble selectedBubble = bubbles.SingleOrDefault(bubble => bubble.DataContext == point); 
            if (selectedBubble != null) 
                Canvas.SetZIndex(selectedBubble, 2000); 
Public Sub New()  
AddHandler RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.SelectionChanged, AddressOf ChartArea_SelectionChanged 
End Sub  
Private Sub ChartArea_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs) 
If e.AddedItems.Count = 1 Then 
End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub SelectItem(ByVal point As DataPoint) 
Dim bubbles = Me.RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.ChildrenOfType(Of Bubble)() 
For Each item As Bubble In bubbles 
Next item 
Dim selectedBubble As Bubble = bubbles.SingleOrDefault(Function(bubble) bubble.DataContext Is point) 
If selectedBubble IsNot Nothing Then 
Canvas.SetZIndex(selectedBubble, 2000) 
End If 
End Sub 
5. The result:

WPF RadChart

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