AutoSizeDropDownColumnMode |
Determines whether the drop-down portion of the control will be auto-sized to best fit all columns. |
ClearTextOnValidation |
Specifies the mode for the Text clearing if the text does not match the text in the DisplayMembar column. |
AutoCompleteMode |
Specifies the mode for the automatic completion feature used in the MultiColumnComboBox. |
Columns |
Gets a collection that contains all the columns in the grid contained in the drop down. |
ShowItemToolTips |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ToolTips are shown for the RadItem objects contained in the RadControl. |
Text |
Gets or sets displayed text. |
DblClickRotate |
Rotate items on double click in the edit box part. |
ScrollOnMouseWheel |
Gets or sets a boolean value determining whether the user can scroll through the items when the popup is closed by using the mouse wheel. |
MultiColumnComboBoxElement |
Gets the hosted RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement. |
DropDownSizingMode |
Gets or sets the drop down sizing mode. The mode can be: horizontal, veritcal or a combination of them. |
NullText |
Gets or sets the text that is displayed when the Text property contains empty string or is null. |
DisplayMember |
Specifies the particular field in the data source which will be used from the items in RadMultiColumnComboBox for the Text. |
EditorControl |
The input control hosted in the popup form. In the case of RadMultiColumnComboBox the control is a RadGridView. |
AutoFilter |
Controls whether the filtering behavior is enabled. |
DataSource |
Specifies the data structure to be bound. |
ValueMember |
Specifies the particular field in the data source which will be stored in the Value property. |
SelectedIndex |
Get or sets a value indicating the index of the the selected row. |
SelectedItem |
Get or sets a value indicating the selected row. |
SelectedValue |
Get or sets a value according to the applied ValueMember. |
DropDownStyle |
Gets or sets a value specifying the style of the combo box. |
AutoSizeDropDownToBestFit |
Determines whether the drop-down portion of the control will be auto-sized to best fit all columns. The DropDownWidth property must be set to its default value (-1) to allow this setting to work properly. |
AutoSizeDropDownHeight |
Determines whether the drop-down height will be auto-sized when filtering is applied. |
DropDownMinSize |
Gets or sets the minimum size allowed for the drop-down of the control. |
DropDownMaxSize |
Gets or sets the maximum size allowed for the drop-down of the control. |