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Scientific Notation and Leading Zeros in Spin Editor


Product Version 2018.1 220
Product RadSpinEditor for WinForms


RadSpinEditor is working with numeric values. A common requirement is to display the number in the editor in a specific format. This article will demonstrate how a scientific notation and leading zeros format can be implemented.


The control supports Hexadecimal format out of the box. The default implementation will be extended to support the new scientific and leading zeros formats which will be working similarly as the built-in Hexadecimal implementation.

The animation below demonstrates the end result.

Figure 1: Custom Formats

scientific-notation-leading-zeros-spineditor 001

The custom functionality will be achieved with the help of special RadSpinEditor and RadSpinEditorElement classes.

1. Create a custom control extending the RadSpinEditor class.

  • Add a new ScientificNatation property.
  • Add a new LeadingZero property.
  • Override the CreateSpinElement and return a custom type inheriting the RadSpinElement class.

Custom Spin Editor Control

public class MyRadSpinEditor : RadSpinEditor
    private MyRadSpinElement spinElement;
    public override string ThemeClassName
            return typeof(RadSpinEditor).FullName;
    public bool ScientificNatation
            return this.spinElement.ScientificNation;
            this.spinElement.ScientificNation = value;
    public bool LeadingZero
            return this.spinElement.LeadingZero;
            this.spinElement.LeadingZero = value;
    protected override RadSpinElement CreateSpinElement()
        this.spinElement = new MyRadSpinElement();
        return this.spinElement;

2. Inherit the RadSpinElement class.

  • Add a new ScientificNatation property.
  • Add a new LeadingZero property.

Once set these new properties will force an update in our logic for extracting the formatted text from the value set to the control.

  • Override the GetNumberText method. In this method we will format the value with scientific notation and leading zeros.
  • Override the GetValueFromText method. This method is responsible to parse the custom formatted text to a decimal value.
  • Override the SetSpinValue method. In this method we will force an update in the text according to the selected format.

Custom RadSpinElement Class

public class MyRadSpinElement : RadSpinElement
    private bool leadingZero;
    private bool scientificNation;
    protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType
            return typeof(RadSpinElement);
    public bool ScientificNation
            return this.scientificNation;
            if (this.scientificNation != value)
                this.scientificNation = value;
                this.SetSpinValue(this.internalValue, true);
    public bool LeadingZero
            return this.leadingZero;
            if (this.leadingZero != value)
                this.leadingZero = value;
                this.SetSpinValue(this.internalValue, true);
    protected override decimal GetValueFromText()
        if (!this.ScientificNation)
            return base.GetValueFromText();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text) && ((this.Text.Length != 1) || (this.Text != "-")))
                return this.Constrain(decimal.Parse(this.Text, NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint));
                return this.internalValue;
            return this.internalValue;
    protected override void SetSpinValue(decimal value, bool fromValue)
        base.SetSpinValue(value, fromValue);
        this.TextBoxControl.Text = GetNumberText(this.internalValue);
    protected override string GetNumberText(decimal num)
        if (this.Hexadecimal)
            return string.Format("{0:X}", (long)num);
        if (this.ScientificNation)
            return num.ToString("E", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
        if (this.LeadingZero)
            return num.ToString("00.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
        return num.ToString((this.ThousandsSeparator ? "N" : "F") + this.DecimalPlaces.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

3. Build the project. The custom control should be displayed in the toolbox in Visual Studio. The newly introduced properties can be set straight from the designer.

A complete solution providing a C# and VB.NET project is available here.

In this article