PdfViewer get the clicked position on the page
Product Version | Product | Author |
2020.2.512.40 | RadPdfViewer | Dimitar Karamfilov |
This article shows how you can get the position when the user clicks on a specific page. The position relates to the upper left corner of the page.
Use the following code to calculate the position:
public RadForm1()
radPdfViewer1.MouseDown += RadPdfViewer1_MouseDown;
private void RadPdfViewer1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var element = radPdfViewer1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(((MouseEventArgs)e).Location) as RadFixedPageElement;
if (element != null)
var mouseLocation = ((MouseEventArgs)e).Location;
var tt = element.TotalTransform;
var pointInDoc = tt.TransformPoint(mouseLocation);
currentPageIndex = radPdfViewer1.Document.Pages.IndexOf(element.Page);
var zoom = radPdfViewer1.PdfViewerElement.ScaleFactor;
Console.WriteLine("PageNo: {0} X:{1} Y:{2}", currentPageIndex, pointInDoc.X / zoom, pointInDoc.Y / zoom);
Public Sub New()
AddHandler radPdfViewer1.MouseDown, AddressOf RadPdfViewer1_MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub RadPdfViewer1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
Dim element = TryCast(radPdfViewer1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(CType(e, MouseEventArgs).Location), RadFixedPageElement)
If element IsNot Nothing Then
Dim mouseLocation = CType(e, MouseEventArgs).Location
Dim tt = element.TotalTransform
Dim pointInDoc = tt.TransformPoint(mouseLocation)
currentPageIndex = radPdfViewer1.Document.Pages.IndexOf(element.Page)
Dim zoom = radPdfViewer1.PdfViewerElement.ScaleFactor
Console.WriteLine("PageNo: {0} X:{1} Y:{2}", currentPageIndex, pointInDoc.X / zoom, pointInDoc.Y / zoom)
End If
End Sub