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Create a Password Text Box


This article shows how you can create a password textbox that is capable to show the password. This is done by pressing and holding a button. Figure 1 shows the result. For this example I am using the Fluent theme and a RadButtonTextBox.

Figure 1: Create PasswordTextBox using RadButtonTextBox


To achieve this you need to handle the MouseDown and MouseUp events. This way you can change the image and set the PasswordChar.

public RadForm1()

    radButtonElement1.DisplayStyle = DisplayStyle.Image;
    radButtonElement1.Image = Properties.Resources.eye32;
    radButtonElement1.MouseDown += RadButtonElement1_MouseDown;
    radButtonElement1.MouseUp += RadButtonElement1_MouseUp;
    radButtonTextBox1.PasswordChar = '*';

private void RadButtonElement1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    radButtonElement1.Image = Properties.Resources.eye32;
    radButtonTextBox1.PasswordChar = '*';

private void RadButtonElement1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    radButtonElement1.Image = Properties.Resources.eye32hidden;
    radButtonTextBox1.PasswordChar = '\0'; 
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