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Showing Thousand Separator in RadBindingNavigator for WinForms


Product Version Product Author
2023.3.1114 RadBindingNavigator for WinForms Dinko Krastev


In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how we can add a thousand separators in the current page input text box.


To achieve this, you can subscribe to the TextChanged event of the CurrentNumberTextBox and modify the text by adding a thousand separator. Here's an example of how you can do this:

  1. Subscribe to the TextChanged event of the CurrentNumberTextBox:
    radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.TextChanged += BindingNavigatorElement_TextChanged;

    AddHandler radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.TextChanged, AddressOf BindingNavigatorElement_TextChanged;
    2. In the event handler, add the logic to add a thousand separator to the text:
    private void BindingNavigatorElement_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text == "" ||
            radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text == "0")
        decimal number;
        number = decimal.Parse(radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text, 
        radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = number.ToString("#,#");
        radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.SelectionStart = 
    Private Sub BindingNavigatorElement_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = "" OrElse radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = "0" Then
        End If
        Dim number As Decimal
        number = Decimal.Parse(radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
        radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = number.ToString("#,#")
        radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.SelectionStart = radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text.Length
    End Sub
    3. Now the internal logic will not be able to parse the number with the thousand separator. To do that we will need to create a custom class that derives from RadBindingNavigator. Then we will need to override the `currentNumberTextBox_KeyDown` method to exclude the comma sign when the user presses the Enter key to navigate to the specified page.
    public class MyBindingNavigatorControl : RadBindingNavigator
        protected override RadBindingNavigatorElement CreateNavigatorElement()
            return new MyNavigatorElement();
    public class MyNavigatorElement : RadBindingNavigatorElement
        protected override void currentNumberTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode != Keys.Enter)
            int pageNumber = -1;
            var newText = this.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text.Replace(",", "");
            if (int.TryParse(newText, out pageNumber) && this.BindingSource != null)
                if (pageNumber > 0 && pageNumber <= this.BindingSource.Count)
                    this.BindingSource.Position = pageNumber - 1;
            this.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = (this.BindingSource.Position + 1).ToString();

    Public Class MyBindingNavigatorControl
        Inherits RadBindingNavigator
    Protected Overrides Function CreateNavigatorElement() As RadBindingNavigatorElement
        Return New MyNavigatorElement()
    End Function

    End Class

    Public Class MyNavigatorElement Inherits RadBindingNavigatorElement

    Protected Overrides Sub currentNumberTextBox_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs)
        If e.KeyCode &lt;&gt; Keys.Enter Then
        End If
        Dim pageNumber As Integer = -1
        Dim newText = Me.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text.Replace(",", "")
        If Integer.TryParse(newText, pageNumber) AndAlso Me.BindingSource IsNot Nothing Then
            If pageNumber &gt; 0 AndAlso pageNumber &lt;= Me.BindingSource.Count Then
                Me.BindingSource.Position = pageNumber - 1
            End If
        End If
        Me.CurrentNumberTextBox.Text = (Me.BindingSource.Position + 1).ToString()
    End Sub

    End Class

    Note: The provided solution overrides the currentNumberTextBox_KeyDown method to handle the Enter key press and remove the comma sign before parsing the entered number.
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