Resizing Rows Programmatically
RadVirtualGrid exposes an API allowing resizing of its rows. In order to utilize it we need to set the AllowRowResize property to true.
this.radVirtualGrid1.AllowRowResize = true;
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.AllowRowResize = True
Resizing System Rows
The VirtualGridViewInfo object exposes properties for directly accessing its system rows and setting a desired height.
Figure 1 Resizing System Rows.
this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.HeaderRowHeight = 30;
this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.NewRowHeight = 40;
this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.FilterRowHeight = 50;
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.HeaderRowHeight = 30
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.NewRowHeight = 40
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.FilterRowHeight = 50
Resizing Data Rows
The data rows can also be programmatically resized. RadVirtualGrid.VirtualGridViewInfo provides a property for defining a uniform height to all rows and also methods for setting or retrieving the height of a single row.
Figure 2 Resizing All Data Rows.
this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.RowHeight = 60;
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.RowHeight = 60
Figure 3 Resizing A Single Data Row.
this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.SetRowHeight(0, 40);
int rowHeight = this.radVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.GetRowHeight(0);
Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.SetRowHeight(0, 40)
Dim rowHeight As Integer = Me.RadVirtualGrid1.MasterViewInfo.GetRowHeight(0)
The API exposes two events for notifications when a change in the height of a row is about to happen or has already happened.
RowHeightChanging: Raised before the operation starts, it can be canceled. The event arguments are:
Cancel: If set to true suspends the operation.
NewHeight: Value of the new row height.
OldHeight: Value of the old row height.
RowIndex: The index of the row which is about to be resized.
ViewInfo: Reference to the VirtualGridViewInfo object.
RowHeightChanged: Raised after the execution of the resizing operation. The event arguments are:
RowIndex: The index of the resized row.
ViewInfo: Reference to the VirtualGridViewInfo object.
private void radVirtualGrid1_RowHeightChanging(object sender, VirtualGridRowHeightChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.RowIndex == 0)
e.Cancel = true;
private void radVirtualGrid1_RowHeightChanged(object sender, VirtualGridRowEventArgs e)
Private Sub radVirtualGrid1_RowHeightChanging(sender As Object, e As VirtualGridRowHeightChangingEventArgs)
If e.RowIndex = 0 Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub radVirtualGrid1_RowHeightChanged(sender As Object, e As VirtualGridRowEventArgs)
End Sub