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SparkLineSeries plot their CategoricalSparkDataPoint on Cartesian Area. The following example shows how you can create the line series.

Create SparkLineSeries

public void CreateLineSeries()
    var lineSeries = new SparkLineSeries();
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(13));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(20));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(15));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(5));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(29));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(8));
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalSparkDataPoint(22));
    lineSeries.ShowHighPointIndicator = true;
    lineSeries.ShowLowPointIndicator = true;
    lineSeries.HighPointShape = new StarShape(5, 3);
    this.radSparkline1.Series = lineSeries;

Public Sub CreateLineSeries()
    Dim lineSeries = New SparkLineSeries()
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(13))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(20))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(15))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(5))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(29))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(8))
    lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(New CategoricalSparkDataPoint(22))
    lineSeries.ShowHighPointIndicator = True
    lineSeries.ShowLowPointIndicator = True
    lineSeries.HighPointShape = New StarShape(5, 3)
    Me.radSparkline1.Series = lineSeries
End Sub

Figure 1: SparkLineSeries

WinForms RadSparkline SparkLineSeries

The essential properties of SparkPointSeries are:

Property Description
MarkerSize Gets or sets the size of the points of the series.
MarkerShape Gets or sets the shape of the points of the series.
HighPointSize Gets or sets the size of the high point of the series.
HighPointShape Gets or sets the shape of the low point of the series.
LowPointSize Gets or sets the size of the low point of the series.
LowPointShape Gets or sets the shape of the low point of the series.
FirstPointSize Gets or sets the size of the first point of the series.
FirstPointShape Gets or sets the shape of the first point of the series.
LastPointSize Gets or sets the size of the last of the series.
LastPointShape Gets or sets the shape of the last point of the series.
NegativePointSize Gets or sets the size of the negative points of the series.
NegativePointShape Gets or sets the shape of the negative points of the series.
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