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Property Description
AutoSizeDropDownColumnMode Determines whether the drop-down portion of the control will be auto-sized to best fit all columns.
ClearTextOnValidation Specifies the mode for the Text clearing if the text does not match the text in the DisplayMembar column.
AutoCompleteMode Specifies the mode for the automatic completion feature used in the MultiColumnComboBox.
Columns Gets a collection that contains all the columns in the grid contained in the drop down.
ShowItemToolTips Gets or sets a value indicating whether ToolTips are shown for the RadItem objects contained in the RadControl.
Text Gets or sets displayed text.
DblClickRotate Rotate items on double click in the edit box part.
ScrollOnMouseWheel Gets or sets a boolean value determining whether the user can scroll through the items when the popup is closed by using the mouse wheel.
MultiColumnComboBoxElement Gets the hosted RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement.
DropDownSizingMode Gets or sets the drop down sizing mode. The mode can be: horizontal, veritcal or a combination of them.
NullText Gets or sets the text that is displayed when the Text property contains empty string or is null.
DisplayMember Specifies the particular field in the data source which will be used from the items in RadMultiColumnComboBox for the Text.
EditorControl The input control hosted in the popup form. In the case of RadMultiColumnComboBox the control is a RadGridView.
AutoFilter Controls whether the filtering behavior is enabled.
DataSource Specifies the data structure to be bound.
ValueMember Specifies the particular field in the data source which will be stored in the Value property.
SelectedIndex Get or sets a value indicating the index of the the selected row.
SelectedItem Get or sets a value indicating the selected row.
SelectedValue Get or sets a value according to the applied ValueMember.
DropDownStyle Gets or sets a value specifying the style of the combo box.
AutoSizeDropDownToBestFit Determines whether the drop-down portion of the control will be auto-sized to best fit all columns. The DropDownWidth property must be set to its default value (-1) to allow this setting to work properly.
AutoSizeDropDownHeight Determines whether the drop-down height will be auto-sized when filtering is applied.
DropDownMinSize Gets or sets the minimum size allowed for the drop-down of the control.
DropDownMaxSize Gets or sets the maximum size allowed for the drop-down of the control.


Method Description
EndInit Ends the initialization of a RadMultiColumnComboBox control that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.
BestFitColumns() Widens / shrinks all columns based on the space required by the text in the columns. Applies only on the visible rows.
BestFitColumns(bool adjustComboBoxSize, bool bestFitAllRows) Widens / shrinks all columns based on the space required by the text in the columns.


Event Description
DataBindingComplete Occurs when the data binding process finishes.
CaseSensitiveChanged Occurs when the CaseSensitive property has changed.
DropDownOpened Occurs when the drop-down window appears.
DropDownClosed Occurs when the drop-down window has closed.
DropDownClosing Occurs when the drop-down window is about to close.
DropDownOpening Occurs when the drop-down window is about to open.
DropDownStyleChanged Occurs when the DropDownStyle property has changed.
SelectedIndexChanged Occurs when the SelectedIndex property has changed.
SelectedValueChanged Fires when the selected value is changed.

See Also

In this article