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Properties, Methods and Events

This article provides reference tables with the Properties, Methods and Events in RadListView.


Property Description
CaseSensitiveColumnNames Gets or sets a value indicating whether column names which differ only in the casing are allowed.
CheckBoxesPosition Gets or sets the position of the checkboxes when ShowCheckBoxes is true.
CheckBoxesAlignment Gets or sets the position of the checkboxes when ShowCheckBoxes is true.
SelectLastAddedItem Gets or sets a value indicating whether the last added item in the RadListView DataSource will be selected by the control.
VerticalScrollState Gets or sets the display state of the vertical scrollbar.
ThreeStateMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the checkboxes should be in ThreeState mode.
AllowDragDrop Gets or sets value indicating if the user can reorder items via drag and drop.
ShowGridLines Gets or sets a value indicating whether items can be selected with mouse dragging.
EnableLassoSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether items can be selected with mouse dragging.
EnableKineticScrolling Gets or sets a value indicating whether the kinetic scrolling function is enabled. Always false when lasso selection is enabled.
HotTracking Gets or sets a value indicating whether items should react on mouse hover.
EnableColumnSort Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items should be sorted when clicking on header cells.
ItemSize Gets or sets the default item size.
GroupItemSize Gets or sets the default item size.
GroupIndent Gets or sets the indent of the items when they are displayed in a group.
ItemSpacing Gets or sets the space between the items.
FilterDescriptors Gets a collection of filter descriptors by which you can apply filter rules to the items.
FilterPredicate Gets or sets the filter predicate used for filtering operation.
IsDataBound Gets a value indicating whether the control is in bound mode.
Groups Gets a collection containing the groups of the RadListView.
ValueMember Gets or sets the value member.
DisplayMember Gets or sets the display member.
CheckedMember Gets or sets the checked member.
EnableSorting Gets or sets a value indicating whether sorting is enabled.
EnableFiltering Gets or sets a value indicating whether filtering is enabled.
EnableGrouping Gets or sets a value indicating whether grouping is enabled.
EnableCustomGrouping Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom grouping is enabled.
SortDescriptors Gets a collection of SortDescriptor which are used to define sorting rules over the ListViewDataItemCollection.
GroupDescriptors Gets a collection of GroupDescriptor which are used to define grouping rules over the ListViewDataItemCollection.
DataSource Gets or sets the data source of a RadListView.
DataMember Gets or sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which the RadListView is displaying data.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the selected item.
SelectedIndex Gets or sets the index of the selected item.
CurrentItem Gets or sets the current item.
CurrentColumn Gets or sets the current column in Details View.
IsEditing Indicates whether there is an active editor.
Columns Gets or sets a collection of ListViewDetailColumn object which represent the columns in DetailsView.
Items Gets or sets a collection of ListViewDataItem object which represent the items in RadListView.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column headers should be drawn.
ShowGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items should be shown in groups.
SelectedItems Gets a collection containing the selected items.
CheckedItems Gets a collection containing the checked items.
ShowCheckBoxes Gets or sets value indicating whether checkboxes should be shown.
AllowColumnResize Gets or sets value indicating if the user can resize the columns.
AllowColumnReorder Gets or sets value indicating if the user can reorder columns via drag and drop.
FullRowSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether the full row should be selected.
AllowArbitraryItemWidth Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items can have different width.
AllowArbitraryItemHeight Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items can have different height.
MultiSelect Gets or sets value indicating whether multi selection is enabled.
AllowEdit Gets or sets value indicating whether editing is enabled.
AllowRemove Gets or sets value indicating whether the user can remove items with the Delete key.
ActiveEditor Gets the currently active editor.
ViewType Gets or sets the type of the view.
ListViewElement Gets the RadListViewElement of RadListView
HeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of the header in Details View.
KeyboardSearchResetInterval Gets or sets a value that specifies how long the user must wait before searching with the keyboard is reset.
KeyboardSearchEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can search for an item by typing characters when RadListControl is focused.
FindStringComparer Gets or sets the string comparer used by the keyboard navigation functionality.
CheckOnClickMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item's check state changes whenever the item is clicked.


Method Description
BeginUpdate Suspend any item change notifications until RadListView.EndUpdate is called.
EndUpdate Resumes the item change notifications.
FindItemByKey(object key) Finds an item with the specified key.
FindItemByKey(object key, bool searchVisibleItems) Finds an item with the specified key. The boolean parameter indicates if the search should check only visible items.
Select Selects a set of items.
BeginEdit Begins an edit operation over the currently selected item.
EndEdit Ends the current edit operations if such. Saves the changes.
CancelEdit Ends the current edit operations if such. Discards the changes. Returns true if success, false otherwise.
ExpandAll Expands all the groups in the control.
CollapseAll Collapses all the groups in the control.
CheckSelectedItems Checks the selected items.
UncheckSelectedItems Unchecks the selected items.
CheckAllItems Checks all of the items.
UncheckAllItems Unchecks all of the items.


Event Description
GroupExpanded Fires when a group has been expanded.
GroupExpanding Fires when a group is about to expand. Cancelable.
BindingContextChanged Occurs when the BindingContext has changed.
BindingCompleted Occurs when the process of binding RadListViewElement to a data source has finished.
SelectedItemChanging Occurs when a ListViewDataItem is about to be selected. Cancelable.
SelectedItemsChanged Occurs when the content of the SelectedItems collection has changed.
SelectedItemChanged Occurs when the selected item has changed.
SelectedIndexChanged Occurs when the selected item has changed.
ViewTypeChanged Occurs when the ViewType of RadListView is changed.
ViewTypeChanging Occurs when the ViewType of RadListView is about to change. Cancelable.
ItemMouseDown Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseUp Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseMove Occurs when the user moves the mouse over a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseHover Occurs when the user hovers a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseClick Occurs when the user clicks a ListViewDataItem.
ItemMouseDoubleClick Occurs when the user double-clicks a ListViewDataItem.
ItemCheckedChanging Occurs when a ListViewDataItem is about to be checked. Cancelable.
ItemCheckedChanged Occurs when a ListViewDataItem is checked.
VisualItemFormatting Occurs when a ListViewDataItem changes its state and needs to be formatted.
ItemCreating Occurs when a ListViewDataItem needs to be created.
VisualItemCreating Occurs when a BaseListViewVisualItem needs to be created.
CellFormatting Occurs when a DetailsView cell needs to be formatted.
ItemDataBound Occurs when a data-bound item is being attached to a ListViewDataItem.
CurrentItemChanged Occurs when the CurrentItem property is changed.
CurrentItemChanging Occurs when the CurrentItem property is about to change. Cancelable.
EditorRequired Occurs when an editor is required.
ItemEditing Occurs when an edit operation is about to begin. Cancelable.
EditorInitialized Occurs when an editor is initialized.
ItemEdited Occurs when a ListViewDataItem is edited.
ValidationError Fires when a validation error occurs.
ItemValidating Occurs when an edit operation needs to be validated.
ItemValueChanged Occurs when the value of a ListViewDataItem is changed.
ItemValueChanging Occurs when the value of a ListViewDataItem is about to change. Cancelable.
ColumnCreating Occurs when a ListViewDetailColumn needs to be created.
CellCreating Occurs when a DetailListViewCellElement needs to be created.
ItemRemoving Occurs when an item is about to be removed using the Delete key. Cancelable.
ItemRemoved Occurs when an item is removed using the Delete key.

See Also

In this article