Link Type Converter
When binding RadGanttView there are a number of possible formats for storing data. For most of the standard .NET types used in gantt view (int, string, DateTime, decimal) there are built-in converters to help you when binding. For the types of the link, you have to convert your data to the TasksLinkType enumeration. To help you achieve this we have provided a basic implementation to convert integer data to the enumeration. Here is the mapping:
0 translates to TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish
1 translates to TasksLinkType.FinishToStart
2 translates to TasksLinkType.StartToFinish
3 translates to TasksLinkType. StartToStart
This will work fine if your mapping is the same but if you store your link types in a different format or the integer values are in different order you can create your own LinkTypeConverter deriving from the default one. In the following examples we will create one that will convert from/to string for the following mapping:
“FF” translates to TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish
“FS” translates to TasksLinkType.FinishToStart
“SF” translates to TasksLinkType.StartToFinish
“SS” translates to TasksLinkType. StartToStart
public class MyLinkTypeConverter : LinkTypeConverter
public override TasksLinkType ConvertToLinkType(object value)
string stringVlaue = Convert.ToString(value);
switch (stringVlaue)
case "FF":
return TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish;
case "FS":
return TasksLinkType.FinishToStart;
case "SF":
return TasksLinkType.StartToFinish;
case "SS":
return TasksLinkType.StartToStart;
return base.ConvertToLinkType(value);
public override object ConvertFromLinkType(TasksLinkType linkType)
switch (linkType)
case TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish:
return "FF";
case TasksLinkType.FinishToStart:
return "FS";
case TasksLinkType.StartToFinish:
return "SF";
case TasksLinkType.StartToStart:
return "SS";
return base.ConvertFromLinkType(linkType);
Public Class MyLinkTypeConverter
Inherits LinkTypeConverter
Public Overrides Function ConvertToLinkType(value As Object) As TasksLinkType
Dim stringVlaue As String = Convert.ToString(value)
Select Case stringVlaue
Case "FF"
Return TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish
Case "FS"
Return TasksLinkType.FinishToStart
Case "SF"
Return TasksLinkType.StartToFinish
Case "SS"
Return TasksLinkType.StartToStart
End Select
Return MyBase.ConvertToLinkType(value)
End Function
Public Overrides Function ConvertFromLinkType(linkType As TasksLinkType) As Object
Select Case linkType
Case TasksLinkType.FinishToFinish
Return "FF"
Case TasksLinkType.FinishToStart
Return "FS"
Case TasksLinkType.StartToFinish
Return "SF"
Case TasksLinkType.StartToStart
Return "SS"
End Select
Return MyBase.ConvertFromLinkType(linkType)
End Function
End Class
Now to use the converter you should assign it to the LinkTypeConverter property of RadGanttView.
this.radGanttView1.LinkTypeConverter = new MyLinkTypeConverter();
Me.RadGanttView1.LinkTypeConverter = New MyLinkTypeConverter()