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Property Description
SizingGrip Gets or sets the visibility of the grip used to reposition the control.
Items Gets all the items that belong to a RadStatusStrip.
LayoutStyle Handles the arrangement of items when they exceed the horizontal space in the status bar. Stack (the default) arranges items from left to right and the rightmost items that exceed the horizontal space are not visible. WinForms RadStatusStrip LayoutStyle Stack Overflow moves items in excess of the horizontal space to the following line.WinForms RadStatusStrip LayoutStyle Overflow
StatusBarElement Gets the instance of RadStatusBarElement wrapped by this control. RadStatusBarElement is the main element in the hierarchy tree and encapsulates the actual functionality of RadStatusStrip.
BackColor RadStatusStrip consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current BackColor property might be ignored.
ForeColor RadStatusStrip consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current ForeColor property might be ignored.
StatusBarElement.Orientation Gets or sets RadStatusBarElement's orienatation.
StatusBarElement.GripStyle Shows or hides the Grip element in RadStatusStrip.
StatusBarElement.RotateGripOnRightToLeft Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grip is rotated in RightToLeft mode.


Method Description
SetSpring(RadItem control, bool value) Sets Spring property of specified RadItem indicating whether the item will automatically fills the available space on the RadStatusStrip as the form is resized.
GetSpring (RadItem control) Gets Spring property of specified RadItem.


Event Description
StatusBarClick Fires when the status bar is clicked.
LayoutStyleChanging Fires before LayoutStyle is changed.
LayoutStyleChanged Fires after LayoutStyle is changed.

See Also

In this article