Backward Compatibility
This article will list the breaking changes and how they can be fixed when upgrading from a specific version of the controls to the next one.
What's Different in 2023 R1
Removed method void Add(T) of SeriesCollectionOfT.
What to do now
Use the other overrides of the SeriesCollectionOfT.Add() method.
Worksheet's ShapeCollection is now ChartCollection.
What to do now
Use the single ChartCollection.Add() method for adding entries.
What's Different in 2022 R3
The parameterless constructors of the following classes are obsoleted:
- TwoColorScaleValueContext
- ThreeColorScaleValueContext
- FiveIconSetValueContext
- FourIconSetValueContext
- ThreeIconSetValueContext
What to do now
Use the constructor with parameters instead.
The UpdateConditionalFormattingCellRanges method is marked obsolete.
What to do now
Use use the combination of RemoveConditionalFormatting and AddConditionalFormatting instead.
What's Different in 2022 R2
The following types are now moved to the namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormattings:
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormatting
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.DataBarAxisPosition
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.PresetIconSet
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.IconDefinition
What to do now
Change the full name of the types:
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormattings.ConditionalFormatting
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormattings.DataBarAxisPosition
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormattings.PresetIconSet
- Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.ConditionalFormattings.IconDefinition
IconSetRule.IsReversed is now read-only.
What to do now
You can set the IsReversed property through the constructor of IconSetRule.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.FilteredShapeCollection.Changing event's arguments type changed from ShapeCollectionChangedEventArgs to ShapeCollectionChangingEventArgs.
What to do now
You can replace the old event arguments type with the new one.
What's Different in 2019 R2
Values and Categories properties are moved from SeriesBase to CategorySeriesBase class.
What to do now
Use the properties exposed in CategorySeriesBase.
What's Different in 2019 R1 SP1
IPdfChartRenderer now uses FloatingChartShape instead of DocumentChart. FloatingChartShape contains UI information for chart like Width/Height/Outline/Fill.
The method GetBitmapSourceFromChartModel() in ChartModelToImageConverter is deleted.
What to do now
You can now use GetBitmapSourceFromFloatingChartShape methods which accepts FloatingChartShape instead of DocumentChart. There is an example in our SDK repository showing a possible approach: Export Chart.
What's Different in 2018 R2
The default value of Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.Printing.SheetPageSetupBase::PaperType has been changed from A4
to Letter
What to do now
If you need to keep the document with A4 PaperType, you can apply this setting before exporting it:
Set PaperType
foreach (Worksheet worksheet in workbook.Worksheets)
worksheet.WorksheetPageSetup.PaperType = PaperTypes.A4;
What's Different in 2016 R3
Assemblies with a version number ending with .45 suffix are not distributed.
What to do now
Use the assemblies with a version number ending with .40 suffix. The library doesn't contain code specific for .NET Framework 4.5, thus an additional version is not needed.
What's Different in 2016 Q1
Telerik.Windows.Maths.dll is removed and integrated in Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.
Telerik.Windows.Maths::InterpolationExtensions is now internal.
Telerik.Windows.Maths::RVector is now internal.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionBase.Evaluate(RadExpression[] arguments) method is obsolete.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionBase.Evaluate(FunctionEvaluationContext context) instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionBase.EvaluateOverride(RadExpression[] arguments) is obsolete.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionBase.EvaluateOverride(FunctionEvaluationContext context) instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionWithArguments.EvaluateOverride(object[] arguments) is obsolete.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionWithArguments.EvaluateOverride(FunctionEvaluationContext<object> context) instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionWithSameTypeArguments<T>.EvaluateOverride(T[] arguments) instead.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions::FunctionWithSameTypeArguments<T>.EvaluateOverride(FunctionEvaluationContext<T> context) instead.
What's Different in 2015 Q2
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Layout.Layers.WorksheetRenderUpdateContext::ViewportPaneTypeToVisibleCellBoxes property is removed.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Layout.Layers.WorksheetRenderUpdateContext::VisibleCellLayoutBoxes property instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Measurement.FontManager is removed.
What to do now
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.Fonts.SystemFontsManager class instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.SpreadsheetNameCollectionScope::Name property is removed.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.SelectionState::SelectionState(IEnumerable selectedRanges, CellIndex activeCellIndex) constructor is removed.
Use Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model.SelectionState::SelectionState(IEnumerable selectedRanges, CellIndex activeCellIndex, ViewportPaneType pane) constructor instead.
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Utilities.UnitHelper::EMUsToDIP(int value) is removed.
What to do now
Use EmuToDip(double value) method instead.
What's Different in 2014 Q3
The default value of the IsEnabled property of the WorkbookHistory class is changed to false.
What to do now
You can enable the history of a Workbook by setting the property to true.
The Width, Height and RotationAngle properties of the FloatingShapeBase class no longer update the CellIndex, OffsetX and OffsetY properties.
What to do now
If it is necessary for them to be updated automatically, the SetWidth, SetHeight and SetRotationAngle methods can be used instead with the bool adjustCellIndex parameter set to true.
String Name property of SpreadsheetNameCollectionScope is marked obsolete.
What to do now
The property is related to the RadSpreadsheet UI control and is not used in the processing library.