TextFragment is content element that represents а single-line text object.
Inserting a TextFragment
TextFragment is a content element that can be added in the Content collection of a IContainerElement such as RadFixedPage. There are several approaches that can be adopted:
- Create a TextFragment and add it to a page container
Use one of the factory methods of the ContentElementCollection to create a new text fragment and insert it into the respective container
Both methods return the actual TextFragment instance so you can modify it.
Example 1: Create TextFragment and add it to container
RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument();
RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage();
FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page);
SimplePosition simplePosition = new SimplePosition();
simplePosition.Translate(20, 20);
TextFragment textFragment = page.Content.AddTextFragment("Document Processing Libraries");
textFragment.CharacterSpacing = 5;
textFragment.WordSpacing = 15;
textFragment.Position = simplePosition;
SimplePosition simplePosition2 = new SimplePosition();
simplePosition2.Translate(20, 120);
TextFragment textFragment2 = new TextFragment("Document Processing Libraries");
textFragment2.CharacterSpacing = 10;
textFragment2.WordSpacing = 20;
textFragment2.Position = simplePosition2;
TextFragment represents a single line of text. In order to make your text "flows" in a document you should make sure all fragments you add can fit in a line or you can use FixedContentEditor.
The '\r' and '\n' characters don't have the usual meaning of "go to next line" when they are inserted into a PDF document and you cannot simply insert text containing these characters to produce multiline text. Instead, you should split the text and insert it line by line.
Modifying a TextFragment
TextFragment exposes the following properties that can modify the look of the represented text:
CharacterSpacing: The spacing between the characters in the text.
WordSpacing: The spacing between the words in the text.
Only space character (Unicode 0x32) is considered a word break in RadPdfProcessing's document model.
HorizontalScaling: The horizontal scaling that is applied to the characters.
Font: The font that is used to draw the text.
FontSize: The font size. The measurement unit used for font size is Device Independent Pixels (DIPs). You can convert it to points or other units using the Unit class.
RenderingMode: Enumeration representing the way the text should be rendered. It can have one of the following values:
Fill: Fill text (the default value).
Stroke: Stroke text.
FillAndStroke: Fill, then stroke text.
None: Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible).
FillAndAddToClippingPath: Fill text and add to path for clipping (see above).
StrokeAndAddToClippingPath: Stroke text and add to path for clipping.
FillStrokeAndAddToClippingPath: Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping
AddToClippingPath: Add text to path for clipping.
TextRise: Specifies the distance, in unscaled text space units, to move the baseline up or down from its default location.
Fill: The color that is used to fill the text. The default value is Black.
Stroke: The color that is used to stroke text. The default value is Black.
StrokeThickness: The width of the stroke line.
StrokeLineCap: Specifies the shape, which is used at the ends of open paths, used to draw a letter, when they are stroked.
Flat: Flat line cap.
Round: Round line cap.
Square: Square line cap.
StrokeLineJoin: Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths that are stroked. Join styles are significant only at the points where consecutive segments of a path connect at an angle.
Bevel: Produces a diagonal corner.
Miter: Produces a sharp corner. If the segments meet at too sharp angle, a bevel join is used instead.
Round: Produces a smooth, circular arc between the lines.
StrokeDashArray: The pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths.
StrokeDashOffset: The distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern.
AlphaConstant: Specifying the constant shape or constant opacity value to be used for nonstroking operations.
MiterLimit: The limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner.
Text: Represents the text that is drawn.
Position: The Position where the text element is drawn.
Example 2: Modifying TextFragment properties
RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument();
RadFixedPage page = document.Pages.AddPage();
FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page);
SimplePosition simplePosition = new SimplePosition();
simplePosition.Translate(20, 20);
TextFragment textFragment = page.Content.AddTextFragment("Document Processing Libraries");
textFragment.CharacterSpacing = 5;
textFragment.WordSpacing = 15;
textFragment.HorizontalScaling = 1;
textFragment.Font = FontsRepository.Courier;
textFragment.FontSize = UnitHelper.PointToDip(12);
textFragment.RenderingMode = RenderingMode.Stroke;
textFragment.TextRise = 5;
textFragment.Fill = new RgbColor(255, 0, 255);
textFragment.Stroke = new RgbColor(0, 0, 255);
textFragment.StrokeThickness = 1;
textFragment.StrokeLineCap = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Graphics.LineCap.Flat;
textFragment.StrokeLineJoin = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Graphics.LineJoin.Round;
textFragment.StrokeDashArray = new double[] { 1 };
textFragment.StrokeDashOffset = 2;
textFragment.AlphaConstant = 0.5;
textFragment.MiterLimit = 2;
textFragment.Position = simplePosition;