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Updating TOC Page Numberings in Word Documents Before Exporting to DOCX Format


Version Product Author
2024.2.426 RadWordsProcessing Desislava Yordanova


When working with Word documents that contain a Table of Contents (TOC), it is often necessary to update the TOC to reflect the correct page numbers before exporting the document to DOCX format. This KB article shows what steps are needed to refresh the page numbers in a document's TOC before exporting the flow document content to DOCX format.

Before After
TOC Before TOC After


To update the TOC in a RadFlowDocument before exporting it to DOCX format, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your document contains a TOC field. RadWordsProcessing supports the TOC field and allows for its update before exporting the document.

  2. Before exporting the document to PDF, use the UpdateFields() method to update all fields, including the TOC, in the RadFlowDocument. This ensures that the TOC reflects the correct page numbers.

  3. To accurately update the TOC, including the correct page numbering, it's necessary to calculate the layout of the document. RadWordsProcessing provides the NumberingFieldsProvider for this purpose.

FlowExtensibilityManager.NumberingFieldsProvider = new NumberingFieldsProvider();

By setting the NumberingFieldsProvider and then calling RadFlowDocument.UpdateFields(), the document will update the TOC to reflect the correct page numbering.

It is possible to update just a single field, not all of them:

FieldCharacter fieldCharacter = document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<FieldCharacter>().First(x=> x.FieldInfo.Field is TocField);
FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldCharacter.FieldInfo; 
  1. With the TOC updated, you can now proceed to export the document to DOCX format, confident that the TOC displays the correct page references.


  • The UpdateFields() method updates all fields in the document, not just the TOC. Ensure that this behavior is acceptable for your document's needs before proceeding.
  • The NumberingFieldsProvider plays a crucial role in ensuring that page numbers are correctly calculated and reflected in the TOC. Make sure to set it before updating the fields.

See Also

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