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Finding a Table Containing a Specific Bookmark in Word Documents


Version Product Author
2024.2.426 RadWordsProcessing Yoan Karamanov


When working with documents, it's a common requirement to find a table that contains a specific bookmark. This can become complex when dealing with nested tables, as a bookmark could be situated within multiple layers of tables. This KB article outlines methods to find either the innermost or outermost table containing a given bookmark, catering to scenarios involving nested tables.

This KB article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I find a table containing a specific bookmark in a document?
  • What method can I use to retrieve the innermost table with a bookmark in RadWordsProcessing?
  • How do I determine the outermost table that includes a specific bookmark in nested table scenarios?


To find a table containing a specific bookmark, especially in documents with nested tables, you can use the following custom methods: GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark and GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark. These methods help in identifying either the innermost or outermost table that contains the bookmark, depending on the nesting level of tables in the document.

  1. Load the document and identify the bookmark:
  2. Define methods to get the innermost and outermost tables containing the bookmark:
  3. GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark:
  4. GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark:
  5. Retrieve the innermost and outermost tables containing the bookmark (as needed):
RadFlowDocument document;
DocxFormatProvider docxFormatProvider = new DocxFormatProvider();

using (Stream input = File.OpenRead("input.docx"))
    document = docxFormatProvider.Import(input);

Bookmark bookmark = document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<BookmarkRangeStart>().Select(b => b.Bookmark).ToList().First(bm => bm.Name == "BookmarkName");

Table innermostTable = GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark(bookmark);
Table outermostTable = GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark(bookmark);

private static Table GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
    TableCell tableCell = bookmark.BookmarkRangeStart.Paragraph.BlockContainer as TableCell;

    if (tableCell != null)
        return tableCell.Table;

    return null;

private static Table GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
    TableCell tableCell = bookmark.BookmarkRangeStart.Paragraph.BlockContainer as TableCell;

    if (tableCell != null)
        Table table = tableCell.Table;
        return GetTableContainingAnotherTable(table);

    return null;

private static Table GetTableContainingAnotherTable(Table table)
    TableCell cell = table.BlockContainer as TableCell;

    if (cell != null)
        return GetTableContainingAnotherTable(cell.Table);

    return table;

If the bookmark is in a single table, both methods will yield the same result. These methods ensure you can accurately find the table containing a specific bookmark, regardless of the complexity of the document's table structure.

See Also

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