Finding a Table Containing a Specific Bookmark in Word Documents
Version | Product | Author |
2024.2.426 | RadWordsProcessing | Yoan Karamanov |
When working with documents, it's a common requirement to find a table that contains a specific bookmark. This can become complex when dealing with nested tables, as a bookmark could be situated within multiple layers of tables. This KB article outlines methods to find either the innermost or outermost table containing a given bookmark, catering to scenarios involving nested tables.
This KB article also answers the following questions:
- How can I find a table containing a specific bookmark in a document?
- What method can I use to retrieve the innermost table with a bookmark in RadWordsProcessing?
- How do I determine the outermost table that includes a specific bookmark in nested table scenarios?
To find a table containing a specific bookmark, especially in documents with nested tables, you can use the following custom methods: GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark
and GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark
. These methods help in identifying either the innermost or outermost table that contains the bookmark, depending on the nesting level of tables in the document.
- Load the document and identify the bookmark:
- Define methods to get the innermost and outermost tables containing the bookmark:
- GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark:
- GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark:
- Retrieve the innermost and outermost tables containing the bookmark (as needed):
RadFlowDocument document;
DocxFormatProvider docxFormatProvider = new DocxFormatProvider();
using (Stream input = File.OpenRead("input.docx"))
document = docxFormatProvider.Import(input);
Bookmark bookmark = document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<BookmarkRangeStart>().Select(b => b.Bookmark).ToList().First(bm => bm.Name == "BookmarkName");
Table innermostTable = GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark(bookmark);
Table outermostTable = GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark(bookmark);
private static Table GetInnermostTableContainingBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
TableCell tableCell = bookmark.BookmarkRangeStart.Paragraph.BlockContainer as TableCell;
if (tableCell != null)
return tableCell.Table;
return null;
private static Table GetOutermostTableContainingBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
TableCell tableCell = bookmark.BookmarkRangeStart.Paragraph.BlockContainer as TableCell;
if (tableCell != null)
Table table = tableCell.Table;
return GetTableContainingAnotherTable(table);
return null;
private static Table GetTableContainingAnotherTable(Table table)
TableCell cell = table.BlockContainer as TableCell;
if (cell != null)
return GetTableContainingAnotherTable(cell.Table);
return table;
If the bookmark is in a single table, both methods will yield the same result. These methods ensure you can accurately find the table containing a specific bookmark, regardless of the complexity of the document's table structure.