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Redistributing Telerik Document Processing

Telerik Document Processing is part of several Telerik bundles and is licensed under the conditions with which you've obtained the product. This topic contains technical guidelines for protecting the Telerik Document Processing binaries when redistributing them with your integrated product.

UI Components suite Guidelines
UI for ASP.NET AJAX Protecting the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Assemblies
UI for WPF Protecting the Telerik UI for WPF Assemblies
UI for WinForms Protecting the Telerik UI for WinForms Assemblies
UI for ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET MVC Document Processing Overview
UI for ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Document Processing Overview
UI for Blazor Blazor Document Processing Overview
UI for WinUI WinUI Document Processing Overview
UI for Silverlight (Discontinued) Protecting the Telerik UI for Silverlight Assemblies
UI for Xamarin

Using the Telerik Document Processing Libraries in Your Solutions

In order to include the Telerik Document Processing libraries in your application, you should build the source code as described below. The source code of the Document Processing libraries is distributed together with the above-listed products' source code and is available for download from the client's account.

For the sake of the example it is assumed that the source distribution ZIP file is extracted in C:\DPL.


1. Open C:\DPL\Documents\Licensing\AssemblyProtection.cs in a text editor (notepad, Visual Studio, etc.). In versions of the suite prior to R2 2016, the path is C:\DPL\Documents\Core\Core\Licensing\AssemblyProtection.cs.

2. Uncomment the following line:


public static bool IsValid() 
    // Uncomment the following line 
    // return ValidatePassPhrase(); 
    return true; 


public static bool IsValid() 
    // Uncomment the following line 
    return ValidatePassPhrase(); 
3. Change the ApplicationName constant to match the name of your application:


internal const string ApplicationName = "MyApp"; 


internal const string ApplicationName = "Sample Application Name v2.0 (tm)"; 

4. Save AssemblyProtection.cs and rebuild.

5. In your application replace the existing references to the Telerik assemblies with the ones built from the source code.

6. If you run the application now you should get an exception with message “This version of Product is licensed only for use by Sample Application Name v2.0 (tm)”. Note that “Sample Application Name v2.0 (tm)” will be replaced with the value of the ApplicationName constant.

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