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Unexpected AJAX Response Was Received from the Server Error Occurs


Product Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX AjaxManager Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX AjaxPanel


I got the Unexpected AJAX response was received from the server error in a dialog.


The possible causes for this issue may be any of the following:

  • Some controls may use the Server.Transfer() internally, for example, the asp:LoginView control.

  • You may be using a custom HTTP handler.

  • Incorrect loading of an AJAX-enabled user control.


To solve this issue and depending on your case, use the following approaches:

  • (Server.Transfer()) To redirect to another page in an AJAX-enabled application, use the approaches from the article on redirecting to another page. To solve this issue, utilize Response.Redirect. You can also try using the Redirect method of the Ajax control you use.

  • (Incorrect loading of user control) Refer to the article on loading user controls.

If the suggested solutions do not fix the issue, disable AJAX as suggested in the error message. Verify that you don't get a server-side exception or any other undesired behavior by setting the EnableAJAX property to false. This approach will help you verify whether the error is related to using AJAX and, if not, to fix any server-side errors if any are thrown.

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