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Save and restore changes on PostBack with EditMode Batch


Example JavaScript code to save and restore the changes on PostBack with EditMode="Batch"

Save and restore changes on PostBack with EditMode Batch

The Batch edit (EditMode="Batch") is a Client-side editing functionality that allows users to edit/update/delete records in batch without making round-trips to the server, thus greatly improving the application performance.

One downside of this is that the changes are not persisted by the ViewState and will be lost upon making PostBacks except when saving the changes. To work around this problem, you can use the Batch Editing Client-side APIs to access the changes, store them in the Browser's local storage (see Window: localStorage property) and restore the changes after the PostBack is over.


First off, create a few helper functions to store, access & clear the changes in the localStorage.

// key used as the identifier for the storage
const StorageKey = "BatchEditChanges";

// To store the changes in the localStorage
function storeChanges(grid) {
    var batchManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager();
    var changes = batchManager._changes[grid.get_masterTableView().get_id()];
    localStorage.setItem(StorageKey, JSON.stringify(changes || {}));
// To store the changes from the localStorage
function removeChanges() {
// To access the changes from the localStorage
function getChanges() {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(StorageKey) || '{}');

Next, create a function that will restore the changes in the Grid.

// To restore the changes into the Grid
function restoreChangesInGrid(grid) {
    // timeOut used only to ensure code execution in an order (e.g. execute it after the grid finished its tasks and not before)
    setTimeout(() => {
        var batchManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager();
        var tableView = grid.get_masterTableView();
        var changes = getChanges();

        // iterate through the changes
        Object.keys(changes).forEach((index) => {
            var rowIndex = parseInt(index);
            var changedRow = changes[index];

            // access the row by index
            var targetItem = tableView.get_dataItems().filter(item => item.get_itemIndex() == rowIndex)[0];

            if (typeof changedRow === 'string' || changedRow.markedForDeleting) { 
                // delete - applies for both HighlightDeletedRows="true" and HighlightDeletedRows="false"
                batchManager.deleteRecord(tableView, targetItem.get_element());
            } else { 
                // insert or update
                if (rowIndex < 0) { 
                    // for inserting only
                    // create a new row
                    // reference the newly created row
                    targetItem = tableView.get_dataItems().filter(item => item.get_itemIndex() == rowIndex)[0];
                // for each field in the collection, fill the row with data
                Object.keys(changedRow).forEach((field) => {
                    // access the new row's cell by field name
                    var targetCell = targetItem.get_cell(field);
                    var fieldValues = changedRow[field];
                    // populate the cell with values
                    batchManager.changeCellValue(targetCell, fieldValues.value);
                // close the editing - to prevent leaving the row/cell in edit mode
    }, 15);

Last but not least, you would need to call these functions at certain Client-side events (e.g. click, Grid events, etc.). To make things automatic, you can use the following events of the Grid.

To store the changes in the localStorage

// when a row is deleted/marked as deleted
function OnRowDeleted(sender, args) {
    // store the new changes

// When a Cell value has changed
function OnBatchEditCellValueChanged(sender, args) {
    // store the new changes

To clear the changes from the localStorage or restore changes in the Grid

// When the Grid has been initialized
function OnGridCreated(sender, args) {
    // is postback or initial load
    var isPostBack = Boolean.parse('<%= Page.IsPostBack %>');

    // if initial load
    if (!isPostBack) {
        // clear the changes
    } else {
        // restore the changes

Complete Code


<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" Width="800px" OnNeedDataSource="RadGrid1_NeedDataSource" OnPreRender="RadGrid1_PreRender">
    <MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="OrderID" ClientDataKeyNames="OrderID" EditMode="Batch" CommandItemDisplay="Top">
        <BatchEditingSettings HighlightDeletedRows="true" EditType="Row" />
            <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="OrderID" DataType="System.Int32"
                FilterControlAltText="Filter OrderID column" HeaderText="OrderID"
                ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="OrderID" UniqueName="OrderID">
            <telerik:GridDateTimeColumn DataField="OrderDate" DataType="System.DateTime" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
                FilterControlAltText="Filter OrderDate column" HeaderText="OrderDate"
                SortExpression="OrderDate" UniqueName="OrderDate">
            <telerik:GridNumericColumn DataField="Freight" DataType="System.Decimal"
                FilterControlAltText="Filter Freight column" HeaderText="Freight"
                SortExpression="Freight" UniqueName="Freight">

            <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipName" DataType="System.String"
                FilterControlAltText="Filter ShipName column" HeaderText="ShipName"
                SortExpression="ShipName" UniqueName="ShipName">

            <telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="ShipCountry"
                FilterControlAltText="Filter ShipCountry column" HeaderText="ShipCountry"
                SortExpression="ShipCountry" UniqueName="ShipCountry">
                    <%# Eval("ShipCountry") %>
                    <telerik:RadDropDownList ID="RadDropDownList1" runat="server" DataTextField="ShipCountry" DataValueField="ShipCountry"></telerik:RadDropDownList>
        <ClientEvents OnBatchEditCellValueChanged="OnBatchEditCellValueChanged" OnGridCreated="OnGridCreated" OnRowDeleted="OnRowDeleted" />
<br />
<br />
<telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="RadButton1" Text="Postback" AutoPostBack="true" />

<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="RadScriptBlock1" runat="server">
        // key used as the identifier for the storage
        const StorageKey = "BatchEditChanges";

        // To store the changes in the localStorage
        function storeChanges(grid) {
            var batchManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager();
            var changes = batchManager._changes[grid.get_masterTableView().get_id()];
            localStorage.setItem(StorageKey, JSON.stringify(changes || {}));
        // To store the changes from the localStorage
        function removeChanges() {
        // To access the changes from the localStorage
        function getChanges() {
            return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(StorageKey) || '{}');

        // To restore the changes into the Grid
        function restoreChangesInGrid(grid) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                var batchManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager();
                var tableView = grid.get_masterTableView();
                var changes = getChanges();

                Object.keys(changes).forEach((index) => {
                    var rowIndex = parseInt(index);
                    var changedRow = changes[index];

                    // access the row by index
                    var targetItem = tableView.get_dataItems().filter(item => item.get_itemIndex() == rowIndex)[0];

                    if (typeof changedRow === 'string' || changedRow.markedForDeleting) { // delete - applies for both HighlightDeletedRows="true" and HighlightDeletedRows="false"
                        // delete the row
                        batchManager.deleteRecord(tableView, targetItem.get_element());
                    } else { // insert & update
                        if (rowIndex < 0) { // for inserting only
                            // create a new row
                            // reference the newly created row
                            targetItem = tableView.get_dataItems().filter(item => item.get_itemIndex() == rowIndex)[0];

                        // for each field in the collection fill the row with data
                        Object.keys(changedRow).forEach((field) => {
                            // access the new row's cell by field name
                            var targetCell = targetItem.get_cell(field);
                            var fieldValues = changedRow[field];

                            // populate the cell with values
                            batchManager.changeCellValue(targetCell, fieldValues.value);

                        // close the editing
            }, 15);

        // when a row is deleted/marked as deleted
        function OnRowDeleted(sender, args) {
            // store the new changes

        // When a Cell value has changed
        function OnBatchEditCellValueChanged(sender, args) {
            // store the new changes

        // When the Grid has been initialized
        function OnGridCreated(sender, args) {
            // is postback or initial load
            var isPostBack = Boolean.parse('<%= Page.IsPostBack %>');

            // if initial load
            if (!isPostBack) {
                // clear the changes
            } else {
                // restore the changes

Backend code for data binding

protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
    (sender as RadGrid).DataSource = GetSource();

private IEnumerable<dynamic> GetSource()
    return Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new
        OrderID = x,
        OrderDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(x),
        Freight = x * 1.0m,
        ShipName = "Name " + x,
        ShipCountry = "Country " + x

protected void RadGrid1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadGrid grid = (RadGrid)sender;
    RadDropDownList ddl = grid.MasterTableView.GetBatchEditorContainer("ShipCountry").FindControl("RadDropDownList1") as RadDropDownList;
    ddl.DataSource = GetSource();
Protected Sub RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs)
    CType(sender, RadGrid).DataSource = GetSource()
End Sub

Private Function GetSource() As IEnumerable(Of Object)
    Return Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(Function(x) New With {
        .OrderID = x,
        .OrderDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(x),
        .Freight = x * 1D,
        .ShipName = "Name " & x,
        .ShipCountry = "Country " & x
End Function

Protected Sub RadGrid1_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim grid As RadGrid = CType(sender, RadGrid)
    Dim ddl As RadDropDownList = TryCast(grid.MasterTableView.GetBatchEditorContainer("ShipCountry").FindControl("RadDropDownList1"), RadDropDownList)
    ddl.DataSource = GetSource()
End Sub

See Also

In this article