.NET Embedded Reporting
You can utilize the Telerik Reporting product to embed reporting functionality in your ASP.NET app.
For the easy integration you can use the HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer component, distributed with the Telerik Reporting suite.
The HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer control brings embedding a report preview functionality into you app. This includes previewing the pages of the resulting report document on screen, printing the report, exporting it into various formats (e.g., PDF, Word, Excel), searching its content or using any other interactivity features that the Telerik Reporting product offers.
To see the report viewer component into action, navigate to the Grid Report help article. It shows extracting the RadGrid data and populating it in the Telerik Reporting Viewer. Just set up the state of the RadGrid you want to include in the report by filtering, sorting and expanding desired hierarchical data. Then click on the second tab to populate and review the Report.
If you are curios to learn more about Telerik .NET Reporting Tool and specifically for the HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer check out the dedicated product documentation and official resources starting with the following links: