Custom Icons
This help article shows how to use custom icons (images or font icons) in RadToggleButton.
Image Icons
To display an image icon on the RadToggleButton, you need to set the desired ButtonToggleState's Icon.Url property to point to the URL of the desired image.
<telerik:RadToggleButton ID="RadToggleButton1" runat="server" Text="Button With Custom Image Icon">
<Icon Url="" Top="5" Left="8" />
<Icon Url="" Top="5" Left="8" />
Hovered and Active States
RadToggleButton also provides an easy way to show different icons when the mouse is over the control, or the button is pressed (see Figure 2 and Example 2). To do this, use the HoveredCssClass and PressedCssClass properties exposed by the Icon tag of each toggle state.
Example 2: Setup unique icons for the normal, hovered and active states of a RadToggleButton.
<telerik:RadToggleButton ID="RadToggleButton1" runat="server" Text="Normal Hover Active State Icons">
<Icon Url=""
PressedUrl="" />
<Icon Url="" Top="5" Left="8" />
Font Icons
You can use custom font icons in RadToggleButton as well. To do that, follow the steps below:
Load the stylesheet with the desired font icons on the page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="myCustomFontStyleSheet.css" />
Override the font-family of the button's icon element with the target one (see Example 3).
button.RadButton .rbIcon:before { font-family: myCustomFont; }
Set the custom font icon class to the Icon.CssClass property of the desired toggle state.
<telerik:RadToggleButton ID="RadToggleButton1" runat="server" Text="Button With Custom Font Icon"> <ToggleStates> <telerik:ButtonToggleState> <Icon CssClass="myCustomFontIconClass1" /> </telerik:ButtonToggleState> <telerik:ButtonToggleState> <Icon CssClass="myCustomFontIconClass2" /> </telerik:ButtonToggleState> </ToggleStates> </telerik:RadToggleButton>
Below you can find an example with Font Awesome Icons.
Example 3: Using FontAwesome font icons in RadToggleButton.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
button.RadButton.fa .rbIcon:before {
font-family: FontAwesome;
<telerik:RadToggleButton ID="RadToggleButton1" runat="server" Text="Button With Custom Font Icon" CssClass="fa">
<Icon CssClass="fa-bed" />
<Icon CssClass="fa-clock-o" />
You can also change the font-size and color of the font icon as described in the Fine Tune help article.
Find out more information on how to use Font Awesome icons along with Telerik controls in the 4 Ways to Embed Font Awesome in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Controls blog post.