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RadTimeline can render its events in two orientation modes:

Vertical List

By default, RadTimeline is vertically oriented with its events arranged on one side of the axis, having all events expanded.

You can have the events rendered alternatingly on both sides of the axis by setting its AlternatingMode property to true. If you enable the CollapsibleEvents, all events will start out collapsed. The user can then expand a particular event by clicking on it, to see more than its title and subtitle.

Figure 1: RadTimeline with Vertical orientation


You can get the result from the image above with the following setup:

<telerik:RadTimeline runat="server" ID="RadTimeline1" Orientation="Vertical" CollapsibleEvents="true" 
    EventWidth="250" AlternatingMode="true">
        <telerik:TimelineItem Date="2020/3/14" Title="March Event" Subtitle="14 March 2020" Description="Meeting with John">
                <telerik:TimelineItemAction Text="Action 1" Url="" />

        <telerik:TimelineItem Date="2020/3/15" Title="March Event" Subtitle="15 March 2020" Description="Meeting with Amy">
                <telerik:TimelineItemAction Text="Action 2" Url="" />

Horizontal List

To use the horizontal rendering, set the Orientation property RadTimeline to Horizontal.

In the horizontal mode, RadTimeline renders buttons which you can click/tap to navigate between periods. One of the events is always rendered below the time axis you can select another event to reveal its details.

The horizontal mode renders the event details on demand (only when they are selected) and is responsive (renders as many of the events as there is room on the axis for).

The horizontal mode does not support alternating rendering and collapsing of events.

Figure 1: RadTimeline with Horizontal orientation


You can get the result from the image above with the following setup:

<telerik:RadTimeline runat="server" ID="RadTimeline2" Orientation="Horizontal">
        <telerik:TimelineItem Date="2020/3/14" Title="March Event" Subtitle="14 March 2020" Description="Meeting with John">
                <telerik:TimelineItemAction Text="Action 1" Url="" />

        <telerik:TimelineItem Date="2020/3/15" Title="March Event" Subtitle="15 March 2020" Description="Meeting with Amy">
                <telerik:TimelineItemAction Text="Action 2" Url="" />

See Also

In this article