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Cascading RadMultiColumnComboBoxes are a series of two or more RadMultiColumnComboBox instances in which each MultiColumn ComboBox is filtered according to the selected value (based on the DataValueField, of the previous MultiColumnComboBox. A cascading instance is disabled until its parent has a value.

To enable cascading, set the CascadeFrom property of the child instance to the ID of the parent instance.

The child MultiColumnComboBox takes the following actions during initialization:

  • Checks if the cascadeFrom property is set. If not, cascading is disabled.
  • Tries to find the parent MultiColumnComboBox object. If the result is null, then the functionality is omitted.
  • Listens to any changes of the parent value.
  • If the parent does not have a value, the child is disabled. If the parent has a value, the child is enabled and filters its data accordingly.

    • Filtering happens on the client and the child value field must be equal to the parent value field.

You can also instruct the child combo box to take a different field from its parent by setting its CascadeFromParentField property to the desired field. The CascadeFromField controls which field in the child data source will be filtered and you can set it to a different value than the DataValueField.

Example 1: Cascading two RadMultiColumnComboBox instances

<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox runat="server" ID="RadMultiColumnComboBox1" Skin="Default"
    DataTextField="CategoryName" DataValueField="CategoryID"
    DropDownWidth="300px" Height="400px" Width="300px"
    MinLength="3" Filter="Contains" Placeholder="Select Category">
    <WebServiceSettings ServiceType="OData" Select-ContentType="JSON"
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="CategoryName" Title="Name" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="CategoryID" Title="ID" />

<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox runat="server" ID="RadMultiColumnComboBox2" Skin="Default"


    DataTextField="ProductName" DataValueField="ProductID"
    DropDownWidth="300px" Height="400px" Width="300px"
    MinLength="3" Filter="Contains" Placeholder="Select Product">
    <WebServiceSettings ServiceType="OData" Select-ContentType="JSON"
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="ProductName" Title="Name" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="UnitPrice" Title="Price" />

Example 2: Using CascadeFromField and CascadeFromParentField

<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox runat="server" ID="parentCombo" Skin="Default"
    DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id" Width="300px">
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="name" Title="Name" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="id" Title="ID" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="cascadeId" Title="Cascade ID" />
    <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoadParent" />

<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox runat="server" ID="childCombo" Skin="Default"
    DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id" Width="300px"

    CascadeFrom="parentCombo" CascadeFromField="parentId" CascadeFromParentField="cascadeId"

        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="name" Title="Name" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="id" Title="ID" />
        <telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="parentId" Title="Parent ID" />
    <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoadChild" />

    var parentData = [
        { name: "Parent1", id: 123, cascadeId: 1 },
        { name: "Parent2", id: 234, cascadeId: 2 }
    var childData = [
        { name: "Child1", id: 1, parentId: 1 },
        { name: "Child2", id: 2, parentId: 2 },
        { name: "Child3", id: 3, parentId: 1 },
        { name: "Child4", id: 4, parentId: 2 }

    function OnLoadParent(sender, args) {

    function OnLoadChild(sender, args) {

See Also

In this article