Custom Paging
In various scenarios, where RadGrid's built-in paging functionality is not sufficient, RadListView provides custom paging. To enable custom paging, you need to set:
AllowPaging = true; - enable paging for RadListView
AllowCustomPaging = true; - enable custom paging for RadListView
VirtualItemCount = [number]; - set the total number of items RadListView's data source returns
When custom paging is enabled, RadListView fires its server-side PageIndexChanged event and automatically rebinds after that. The developer is responsible for retrieving the requested page of data for RadListView.
When custom paging is enabled, RadListView does not automatically page through its data. It only fires the PageIndexChanged event, so that the developer can fetch the required page.
Custom paging can be used both with declarative data source controls (using the DataSourceID property) or when binding through the NeedDataSource event. Additionally, firing the Page event from code using RadListViewItem.FireCommand()also works with custom paging.
RadListView also supports another option for custom paging, i.e. when using declarative binding to an ObjectDataSource that supports its own paging.
To see RadListView in action with custom paging, please, visit the custom paging live demo.