Server Events Overview
RadListBox supports a number of server-side events that let you respond to complex actions at the server.
Dropping server-side event fires just before a RadListBoxItem is dropped over an HTML element which has and id attribute set.
Dropped server-side event is fired right after the Dropping event when a RadListBoxItem is dropped over an HTML element which has id attribute set.
Reordering server-side event fires when the AutoPostBackOnReorder property is set to true. It fires once for all selected items.
Reordered server-side event fires after the Updated event. The Items collection of the listbox is updated to reflect the reordering.
Updating server event fires when the AutoPostBackOnReorder is set to true and the user tries to reorder an item. It fires after the Reordering server event (is not cancelled) once for all selected items.
Updated server-side event fires after the Updating event (if not cancelled) and after the database has been updated (if AllowAutomaticUpdates="True").
SelectedIndexChanged server-side event fires when you change the selected item.
TextChanged server-side event fires when you change the selected item.
ItemCheck server-side event fires after a user checks or unchecks an item's checkbox.
OnCheckAllCheck server-side event fires after a user checks or unchecks the CheckAll item.
Transferring server-side event fires when the AutoPostBackOnTransfer is set to true and the user tries to transfer an item.
Transferred server-side event fires after the Deleted event. The Items collection of the listbox is updated to reflect the transferring.
Inserting server-side event fires when the AutoPostBackOnTransfer is set to true and an item is just about to be inserted.
Inserted server-side event fires when an item has been successfully inserted.
Deleting server-side event fires in two cases - on item delete and during transfer.
Deleted server-side event fires right after the Deleting event (in two cases - on item delete and during transfer).
ItemsRequested server-side event fires when the load-on-demand mechanism needs to add items to the RadListBox.