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ImageGalleryItem Object

RadImageGallery exposes an ImageGalleryItemCollection available through the get_items() method. It contains the different RadImageGalleryItems which hold data related to a certain image. The properties for every RadImageGalleryItem are listed in the table below.

RadImageGalleryItem properties

Name Parameters Return Type Description
get_description() String Gets the related description.
get_height() String Returns the height of the image.
get_imageUrl() String Returns the URL of the image.
get_itemIndex() Number Gets the index of the particular item.
get_owner() Telerik.Web.UI.RadImageGallery Gets the parent of the current object.
get_thumbnailElement() HTML Element Returns the related thumbnail element.
get_thumbnailUrl() String Returns the URL of the thumbnail.
get_title() String Gets the title of the image.
get_width() String Returns the width of the image.

The example below illustrates how you can use a property to extract a value from the RadImageGalleryItem. The logic shown traverses all the items and stores the titles in a collection.

<telerik:RadImageGallery RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadImageGallery1" runat="server" AllowPaging="true"
    DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Width="800px" DataTitleField="PhotoTitle" DataImageField="Photo" DataThumbnailField="Photo" >
function pageLoad() {
    var imageGallery = $find('<%=RadImageGallery1.ClientID%>'),
    items = imageGallery.get_items(),
    count = items.get_count(),
    titles = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {

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