ImageGalleryItemCollection Object
The ImageGalleryItemCollection available through the get_items() method of the RadImageGallery object holds the different items of type ImageGalleryItem containing data related to a certain image. The collection exposes methods listed in the table below.
ImageGalleryItemCollection methods
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
add(item) | ImageGalleryItem | None | Adds an item to the collection. |
insert(index,item) | ImageGalleryItem, Number | None | Adds an item at a given position. |
remove(item) | ImageGalleryItem | None | Removes an item from the collection. |
removeAt(index) | Number | None | Removes an item at a given position. |
clear() | None | Clears the items collection. | |
get_count() | Number | Returns the number of items. | |
getItem(index) | Number | ImageGalleryItem | Returns the ImageGalleryItem positioned at a given index. |
indexOf(item) | ImageGalleryItem | Number | Returns the index of the given item. If such does not exist returns -1. |
forEach(lamda) | Function expression | None | Applies the expression for every item in the collection. |
toArray() | Array | Returns a JavaScript Array containing items of type ImageGalleryItem. |
The example below illustrates how you can add a RadImageGalleryItem to the collection using the add() method.
<telerik:RadImageGallery RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadImageGallery1" ></telerik:RadImageGallery>
function pageLoad() {
var item = new Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItem({
title: "Red Rose",
description: "The beauty of the Red Rose",
thumbnailUrl: "Images/Rose.jpg",
imageUrl: "Images/Rose.jpg"