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ImageGalleryItemCollection Object

The ImageGalleryItemCollection available through the get_items() method of the RadImageGallery object holds the different items of type ImageGalleryItem containing data related to a certain image. The collection exposes methods listed in the table below.

ImageGalleryItemCollection methods

Name Parameters Return Type Description
add(item) ImageGalleryItem None Adds an item to the collection.
insert(index,item) ImageGalleryItem, Number None Adds an item at a given position.
remove(item) ImageGalleryItem None Removes an item from the collection.
removeAt(index) Number None Removes an item at a given position.
clear() None Clears the items collection.
get_count() Number Returns the number of items.
getItem(index) Number ImageGalleryItem Returns the ImageGalleryItem positioned at a given index.
indexOf(item) ImageGalleryItem Number Returns the index of the given item. If such does not exist returns -1.
forEach(lamda) Function expression None Applies the expression for every item in the collection.
toArray() Array Returns a JavaScript Array containing items of type ImageGalleryItem.

The example below illustrates how you can add a RadImageGalleryItem to the collection using the add() method.

<telerik:RadImageGallery RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadImageGallery1" ></telerik:RadImageGallery>
function pageLoad() {
    var item = new Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItem({
        title: "Red Rose",
        description: "The beauty of the Red Rose",
        thumbnailUrl: "Images/Rose.jpg",
        imageUrl: "Images/Rose.jpg"
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