addTextToImage(x, y, text) |
integer, integer, object |
Adds text to the image in the specified position |
applyChangesOnServer() |
Forces the changes made to the image to be applied on the server |
applyFilter(filterName) |
Telerik.Web.UI.ImageEditor.Filters.IPixelFilter |
Executes the provided filter against the current editable image and adds the operation to the undo stack |
changeImageOpacity(opacity, shouldUpdateUI) |
integer, boolean |
Changes the opacity of the image |
closeToolsPanel() |
Closes the tools panel |
editImageOnServer(commandName, commandText, commandArgument, callbackFunction) |
string, string, string, function |
Initiates an ASP.NET client callback to the server and raises the ImageEditing server side event. The EditableImage can be retrieved from the event arguments, and edited accordingly |
executeCommand(commandName) |
string |
Executes an ImageEditor's command and opens the corresponding dialog. Does not fire the client-side events. |
fire(commandName, args) |
string, object |
Fires an ImageEditor's command with the full set of client-side events |
flipHorizontal() |
Flips the image in the Horizontal direction |
flipImage(flipDirection, shouldUpdateUI, forceChanges) |
enum, boolean, boolean |
Flips the image in a horizontal or vertical direction |
flipVertical() |
Flips the image in the Vertical direction |
get_bottomZone() |
object |
Gets a reference to the bottom docking zone of the ToolBar panel |
get_currentCommand() |
string |
Gets the currently executing command |
get_currentToolWidget() |
object |
Gets the current tool widget, i.e. the object holding the dialog's functionality |
get_enableResize() |
boolean |
Gets the flag to indicate whether the resizing of the ImageEditor control is enabled |
get_formDecorator() |
object |
Gets the FormDecorator, used in decorating the dialog's UI |
get_height() |
integer |
Gets the height of the ImageEditor control's element |
get_isRedoAvailable() |
boolean |
Gets a flag whether the a redo command is available in the redo stack |
get_isUndoAvailable() |
boolean |
Gets a flag whether the a undo command is available in the undo stack |
get_left() |
integer |
Gets the left/x coordinate of the element's location |
get_leftZone() |
object |
Gets a reference to the left docking zone of the ToolBar panel |
get_location(forceCalculation) |
boolean |
Sys.UI.Point |
Gets the location of the ImageEditor control's element |
get_lowerZoomBound() |
integer |
Gets the upper limit of the zoom level. This is the highest percentage value up to which the user can zoom in the image in the RadImageEditor |
get_operationsToRedo() |
Array |
Gets the redo stack of operations |
get_operationsToUndo() |
Array |
Gets the undo stack of operations |
get_resizeHandle() |
DOM Element |
Gets a reference to the resizing handle element, i.e. the element, by which the user resizes the ImageEditor's element |
get_rightZone() |
object |
Gets a reference to the bottom docking zone of the ToolBar panel |
get_shortcuts() |
Array |
Gets shortcuts set to the ImageEditor control on the server |
get_toolBarContainer() |
DOM Element |
Gets a reference to the Toolbar's container DOM element |
get_toolBarMode() |
Telerik.Web.UI.ImageEditor.ToolBarMode |
Gets the ToolBar Mode of the ImageEditor control |
get_toolBarPanel() |
object |
Gets a reference to the ToolBar panel(the movable dock container) |
get_toolBarPosition() |
Telerik.Web.UI.ImageEditor.ToolBarPosition |
Gets the position of the RadImageEditor ToolBar |
get_toolGroups() |
Array |
Gets a collection of the different tool groups in the Tools' panel |
get_tools() |
Object |
Gets a dictionary of the present tools in the Tools' panel |
get_toolsPanel() |
DOM Element |
Gets a reference to theTools' panel |
get_top() |
integer |
Gets the top/y coordinate of the element's location |
get_topZone() |
object |
Gets a reference to the top docking zone of the ToolBar panel |
get_upperZoomBound() |
integer |
Gets the upper limit of the zoom level. This is the highest percentage value up to which the user can zoom in the image in the RadImageEditor |
get_viewport() |
DOM Element |
Gets a reference to the DOM element holding the edited image |
get_width() |
integer |
Gets the width of the ImageEditor control's element |
get_xmlHttpPanel() |
object |
Gets a reference to the XmlHttpPanel that manages the loading of the dialogs |
getEditableImage() |
object |
Gets a reference to the current EditableImage |
getImage() |
DOM Element |
Gets a reference to the image element being edited |
initCallback(target) |
string |
Initializes an internal callback using a XmlHttpPanel |
insertImage(x, y, imgSrc, operations) |
integer, integer, string, array |
Inserts image (clip art) into the editable image at the specified position |
openToolsPanel() |
Opens the tools panel with the current tool widget |
redo(depth) |
integer |
Redoes the previously undone editing steps of the image |
removeShortCut(shortcutName) |
string |
Removes a shortcut with the specified name (keyword) |
repaint() |
Redraws the ImageEditor |
resetChanges() |
Resets the changes to the current image and reverts it to the original one |
resizeImage(width, height, shouldUpdateUI) |
integer, integer, boolean |
Resizes the current image. This operation changes the image. |
rotateImage(rotation, shouldUpdateUI) |
enum, boolean |
Rotates the current image clockwise with the specified enum angle value |
rotateLeft90() |
Rotates the current image 90 degrees counterclockwise, i.e. 270 degrees clockwise |
rotateRight90() |
Rotates the current image 90 degrees clockwise |
saveClientState() |
Stores the client-state changes made during the client-side existance of the control |
saveImageOnClient(fileName) |
object |
Downloads the image through the browser's save dialog on the user's PC |
saveImageOnServer(fileName, overwrite) |
object, boolean |
Saves the image to the server in the same directory as the original image |
set_currentCommand(value) |
string |
Sets the currently executing command |
set_currentToolWidget(value) |
enum |
Sets the current tool widget |
set_enableResize(value) |
boolean |
Enables/disables the resizing of the ImageEditor control |
set_height(value) |
integer |
Sets the height of the ImageEditor control's element |
set_width(value) |
integer |
Sets the width of the ImageEditor control's element |
setShortCut(shortcutName, shortcutString) |
string, string |
Sets a shortcut with the specified name (keyword) and shortcut string (the combination of keys). If the shortcut name exists, the existing shortcut is removed |
setToggleState(toolName, value) |
string, boolean |
(Un)checks a ToolBar button |
undo(depth) |
integer |
Undoes the last editing steps of the image |
zoomBestFit() |
Zooms the image to best fit in the viewport |
zoomImage(zoomLevel, shouldUpdateUI) |
integer, boolean |
Zooms(scales) the image by the specified level in percents. This operation does not change the image |
zoomIn() |
Zooms in the current image by 50%, i.e. if the current zoom level is 100, after zoom in the level will be 150 |
zoomOut() |
Zooms out the current image by 50%, i.e. if the current zoom level is 100, after zoom in the level will be 50 |