The RadGantt AssignmentUpdate is fired when an assignment's collection is about to be updated through the provider.
AssignmentUpdate event handler receives two parameters:
sender is the RadGantt control instance.
e is an object of type AssignmentEventArgs. It provides access to the updated RadGantt assignments collection.
<telerik:RadGantt RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGantt1" runat="server" OnAssignmentUpdate="RadGantt1_AssignmentUpdate"></telerik:RadGantt>
protected void RadGantt1_AssignmentUpdate(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.AssignmentEventArgs e)
foreach (var item in e.Assignments)
Protected Sub RadGantt1_AssignmentUpdate(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.AssignmentEventArgs)
For Each item As var In e.Assignments
End Sub
Subscribing to only one of the following events: AssignmentInsert, AssignmentUpdate, AssignmentDelete, will cause a postback to be triggered for the other two events, instead of a callback.