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Custom Tasks Fields

With the 2014 Q2 SP1 version you can now use Custom Task objects to populate the Gantt, providing you with the ability to add user defined Properties to be shown in the control.

In order to use a custom Task class you have to create a custom Provider, like the one shown in the Use CustomFields in Gantt with a simple CustomProvider KB article or the Custom EntityFramework Provider help article article. Sample Code Library can be downloaded from here.


Adding custom fields to Task with custom Entity provider

  1. Use previous help article to set up custom Entity Provider

  2. Create Custom Task class, inheriting from Task.


    public class CustomTask : Task
        public CustomTask()
            : base()


    Public Class CustomTask
        Inherits Task
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub
    End Class
  3. Add custom property


    public class CustomTask : Task
        public string Description
            get { return (string)(ViewState["Description"] ?? ""); }
            set { ViewState["Description"] = value; }


    Public Class CustomTask
        Inherits Task
        Public Property Description() As String
                Return DirectCast(If(ViewState("Description"), ""), String)
            End Get
            Set(value As String)
                ViewState("Description") = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
  4. Override GetSerializationData and LoadFromDictionary methods


    public class CustomTask : Task
        protected override IDictionary<string, object> GetSerializationData()
            var dict = base.GetSerializationData();
            dict["Description"] = Description;
            return dict;
        public override void LoadFromDictionary(System.Collections.IDictionary values)
            Description = (string)values["Description"];


    Public Class CustomTask
        Inherits Task
        Protected Overrides Function GetSerializationData() As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
            Dim dict = MyBase.GetSerializationData()
            dict("Description") = Description
            Return dict
        End Function
        Public Overrides Sub LoadFromDictionary(values As System.Collections.IDictionary)
            Description = DirectCast(values("Description"), String)
        End Sub
    End Class
  5. Create new TaskFactory


    public class CustomGanttTaskFactory : ITaskFactory
        Task ITaskFactory.CreateTask()
            return new CustomTask();


    Public Class CustomGanttTaskFactory
        Implements ITaskFactory
        Private Function ITaskFactory_CreateTask() As Task Implements ITaskFactory.CreateTask
            Return New CustomTask()
        End Function
    End Class
  6. Override Provider TaskFactory property to return new factory


    public class GanttCustomProvider : GanttProviderBase
        public override ITaskFactory TaskFactory
                return new CustomGanttTaskFactory();


    Public Class GanttCustomProvider
        Inherits GanttProviderBase
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property TaskFactory() As ITaskFactory
                Return New CustomGanttTaskFactory()
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class
  7. Update Provider GetTasks Method


    public override List<ITask> GetTasks()
        var tasks = new List<ITask>();
        using (var db = new GanttDatabaseEntities())
            tasks.AddRange(db.GanttTasks.ToList().Select(task => new CustomTask
                ID = task.ID,
                ParentID = task.ParentID,
                Description = task.Description
        return tasks;


    Public Overrides Function GetTasks() As List(Of ITask)
        Dim tasks = New List(Of ITask)()
        Using db = New GanttDatabaseEntities()
        tasks.AddRange(db.GanttTasks.ToList().[Select](Function(task) New CustomTask() With { _
            Key .ID = task.ID, _
            Key .ParentID = task.ParentID, _
            Key .Description = task.Description _
        End Using
        Return tasks
    End Function
  8. Update Provider ToEntityTask Method


    private GanttTask ToEntityTask(ITask srcTask)
        return new GanttTask
                ID = (int)srcTask.ID,
                ParentID = (int?)srcTask.ParentID,
                Description = ((CustomTask)srcTask).Description


    Private Function ToEntityTask(srcTask As ITask) As GanttTask
    Return New GanttTask() With { _
        Key .ID = CInt(srcTask.ID), _
        Key .ParentID = DirectCast(srcTask.ParentID, System.Nullable(Of Integer)), _
        Key .Description = DirectCast(srcTask, CustomTask).Description _
    End Function

Defining Custom Tasks Fields

To add new Custom Task Field you will have to:

  1. Set the AutoGenerateColumns property to false.

  2. Define new GanttBoundColumn in the Columns collection.

  3. Define new GanttCustomField in the CustomTaskFields collection.

  4. Defining Custom Columns:

    • In the Markup:


      <telerik:RadGantt RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadGantt1" SelectedView="WeekView" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
              <telerik:GanttBoundColumn DataField="ID" Width="90px"></telerik:GanttBoundColumn>
              <telerik:GanttBoundColumn DataField="Title"></telerik:GanttBoundColumn>
              <telerik:GanttBoundColumn DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description" DataType="String" UniqueName="Description">
              <telerik:GanttCustomField PropertyName="Description" ClientPropertyName="description"  Type="String" />
    • In the Code Behind


      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          GanttCustomField customField = new GanttCustomField();
          customField.Type = GanttCustomFieldType.String;
          customField.PropertyName = "Description";
          customField.ClientPropertyName = "description";


      Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
          Dim customField As New GanttCustomField()
          customField.Type = GanttCustomFieldType.[String]
          customField.PropertyName = "Description"
          customField.ClientPropertyName = "description"
      End Sub

Access Custom Task Field on the Client

The task generates getter and setter functions for the custom field client objects in the format get_<customFieldClientPropertyName>() and set_<customFieldClientPropertyName>(newValue). For example:

var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
var task = gantt.get_tasks().getTask(0);
task.set_decription("my new description");

See Also

In this article