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Server-Side Programming Overview

Following are tables of the most important properties and events you should be aware of when working with RadFilter.



Property Description
AddExpressionToolTip Gets or sets the Add expression button tooltip.
AddGroupToolTip Gets or sets the Add group button tooltip.
ApplyButtonText Gets or sets the text of the Apply button.
BetweenDelimeterText Gets or sets the text that will be visible when Between/NotBetween filter expression is constructed.
DataSourceControlID Gets or sets ID of the IDataSource control filtered by the RadFilter. The data source control should support filtering itself.
ExpressionPreviewPosition Gets or sets the position of expression preview item. The possible options are Top, Bottom and None.
ExpressionPreviewProvider Gets or sets the provider used for building the expression in preview item. Default provider is RadFilterExpressionPreviewProvider.
FilterContainerID Gets or sets the ID of the IRadFilterableContainer control filtered by the RadFilter. Presently, the RadListView and the RadGrid controls implement this interface.
LocalizationPath Gets or sets a value indicating where RadFilter will look for its .resx localization file. By default this file should be in the App_GlobalResources folder. However, if you cannot put the resource file in the default location or .resx files compilation is disabled for some reason (e.g. in a DotNetNuke environment), this property should be set to the location of the resource file.
RootGroup Root group for all expressions in RadFilter control. This group cannot be removed.
RootGroupItem Root group item for all expressions in RadFilter control.
ShowApplyButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Apply button should be visible.
ShowLineImages Gets or sets a value indicating whether the line images connecting the different list items should be displayed or not.
ApplyButton Gets the apply button which fires the ApplyExpressions and generates a filter query.
ContextMenu Gets the RadFilterContextMenu used for all menus in the RadFilter control.
ShowAddGroupExpressionButton Gets or sets a value determining if the AddGroupExpressionButton placed in the RadFilterGroupExpressionItem will be visible.
SharedCalendarMinDate Gets or sets the RangeMinDate property of the RadCalendar which is shared for all controls in the current RadFilter instance.
SharedCalendarMaxDate Gets or sets the RangeMaxDate property of the RadCalendar which is shared for all controls in the current RadFilter instance.
DefaultFieldEditorFieldName The FieldName property of the default field editor that will be initialized when AddExpressionButton is pressed.
DefaultGroupOperation The default GroupOperation that will be set when a new RadFilterGroupExpressionItem is created.
SharedCalendar Gets the RadCalendar instance that will be used for all pickers in the current RadFilter instance.
OperationMode Gets or sets the operation mode of the RadFilter control.
UseBetweenValidation Enables or disables the client-side validation when between filter expression is used. Validation should work for numeric field editors (all types - int, double, etc) and date field editors. For the latter case, only the DatePicker and DateTimePicker types are supported. TimePicker and None would not be validated.



Name Description
FireApplyCommand Triggers the ApplyExpressions command.
LoadSettings Loads the provided state in the control.
RecreateControl Forces the RadFilter control to recreate its structure.
SaveSettings Serializes the control state to Base64 encoded string.
GetAllExpressionItems Loops through all expression items in the RadFilter expression items tree by performing recursion and returns them in a collection.
GetSingleExpressionItems Loops through all expression items in the RadFilter expression items tree by performing recursion and returns them in a collection containing only the RadFilterSingleExpressionItem objects.
GetSingleExpressionItems(string fieldName) Loops through all expression items in the RadFilter expression items tree by performing recursion and returns them in a collection containing only the RadFilterSingleExpressionItem objects which are created from the RadFilterDataFieldEditor with the specified FieldName.
GetGroupExpressionItems Loops through all expression items in the RadFilter expression items tree by performing recursion and returns them in a collection containing only the RadFilterGroupExpressionItem objects.



Event Description
ApplyExpressions Raised when the ApplyExpressions command is fired.
FieldEditorCreated Raised when a field editor is created when RadFilter is used integrated with IRadFilterableContainer/IDataSource.
FieldEditorCreating Raised when a custom field editor is about to be created. This is the proper place for its properties to be set.
ItemCommand Raised when a when a command is issued by the control - for example when the end user adds a new filter group.
ExpressionItemCreated Event raised when a new RadFilterExpressionItem is created. The event could be used to manipulate the controls inside each of the items.
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