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Adding Custom Command Buttons


The server code creates a new toolbar button and a new context menu item and adds them in the RadFileExplorer control. The client code executes when the RadFileExplorer is loaded and attaches new event handlers for the toolbar and treeview/grid context menus. These handlers will be used to execute code when the custom button/item is clicked. The CSSstyle for the toolbar button can be used to add an image.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        //custom button
        RadToolBarButton customButton = new RadToolBarButton("test");
        customButton.CssClass = "test_button";
        customButton.Value = "testCommand";
        //context menu item
        RadMenuItem customMenuOption = new RadMenuItem("custom");
        customMenuOption.Value = "custom_Menu";
        //attach the event handler to the RadTreeView
        RadFileExplorer1.TreeView.OnClientContextMenuItemClicked = "treeContextMenuClicked";
        //if you want the custom context menu item to be visible in the grid as well
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not IsPostBack Then
        'custom button
        Dim customButton As New RadToolBarButton("test")
        customButton.CssClass = "test_button"
        customButton.Value = "testCommand"
        'context menu item
        Dim customMenuOption As New RadMenuItem("custom")
        customMenuOption.Value = "custom_Menu"
        'attach the event handler to the RadTreeView
        RadFileExplorer1.TreeView.OnClientContextMenuItemClicked = "treeContextMenuClicked"
        'if you want the custom context menu item to be visible in the grid as well
    End If
End Sub
function toolbarClicked(toolbar, args)
    var buttonValue = args.get_item().get_value();
    if (buttonValue == "testCommand")
        alert("test button clicked");
function gridContextMenuClicked(toolbar, args)
    var buttonValue = args.get_item().get_value();
    if (buttonValue == "custom_Menu")
        alert("custom context menu item clicked");
function treeContextMenuClicked(toolbar, args)
    var buttonValue = args.get_menuItem().get_value();
    if (buttonValue == "custom_Menu")
        alert("custom context menu item clicked");

function attachHandlers(explorer, args)
    //support for grid context menu
    var toolbar = explorer.get_toolbar();

    //support for grid context menu
    var gridContextMenu = explorer.get_gridContextMenu();

    //TreeView handler is attached in codebehind
<telerik:RadFileExplorer RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server" OnClientLoad="attachHandlers">

See Also

In this article