WebForms DropDownTree Overview
The RadDropDownTree control is a combination of a lightweight dropdown and a tree control. In the RadDropDownTree we use the approach with entries. Basically, a new entry is created as a result of node's selection from the tree.
The DropDownTree is part of Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, a
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Main features of the RadDropDownTree
Some of the main features of the RadDropDownTree control include:
Various DataBindings including declarative binding, binding to Entity DataSource as well as Linq DataSource
Templates such as Header Template, Footer Template and Node Template.
Checkboxes that enable the user to choose between the different states - None, SingleCheck, TriState and CheckChildNodes.
EmptyMessage that allows the developer to provide a hint (setting a message in the entry area) to the end-user of the application.
DropDownSettings for fine tuning of the control (like OpenDropDownOnLoad, which expands the dropdown after it is loaded on the page).