AccessKey |
Specifies the access key that triggers the functionality of the first button in the list. |
AriaSettings |
Gets the object that controls the Wai-Aria settings applied on the control's element. |
AppendDataBoundItems |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether list items are cleared before data binding. |
AutoPostBack |
Specifies if change of the checkbox list should initiate a postback. |
CausesValidation |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when the checkbox list gets changed. |
ClientEvents |
Inline property of type CheckBoxClientEvents, which gets or sets the client event handlers attached to the control. |
CssClass |
Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the element of the control. |
DataSource |
Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items. |
DataSourceID |
Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items. |
DataBindings |
Inline property of type CheckBoxListBindings Gets or sets the databinding configuration of the control |
EnableAriaSupport |
When set to true enables support for WAI-ARIA |
Enabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled. |
Height |
Gets or sets the height of the Web server control. |
KeyboardNavigationSettings |
Define keyboard shortcut to focus the first list item. |
Items |
Gets the collection of ButtonListItem items in the list control. An item has Text, Value, Selected and Enabled properties. |
OnSelectedIndexChanged |
Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. This allows you to provide a custom handler for the event. |
OnItemDataBound |
Raises the ItemDataBound event when each item is data bound. This allows you to provide a custom handler for the event. |
OnItemCreated |
Raises the ItemCreated event when an item is created. This allows you to provide a custom handler for the event. |
Layout |
Gets or sets the layout in which the checkboxes are rendered. Possible values are Flow, OrderedList, UnorderedList. OrderedList and UnorderedList do not support Horizontal Direction and Columns. |
Columns |
Gets or sets the number of columns to display in the RadCheckBox control, when the layout is Flow. |
Direction |
Gets or sets the direction in which the checkboxes within the group are displayed. |
ItemCount |
Gets the number of list items in the RadCheckBox control. |
SelectedIndex |
Gets or sets the lowest ordinal index of the selected items in the list. |
SelectedIndices |
Gets a collection of all selected checkboxes by indices. |
SelectedItem |
Gets or sets the selected item with the lowest index in the list control. |
SelectedItems |
Gets a collection of all selected checkbox items. |
SelectedValue |
Gets or sets the value of the selected item in the list control, or selects the single item in the list control that contains the specified value. |
SelectedValues |
Gets a collection of all selected checkboxes by values. |
TabIndex |
Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control. Applied on each checkbox. |
ToolTip |
Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control. |
ValidationGroup |
Gets or sets the group of controls for which the Button control causes validation when it posts back to the server |
Visible |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page. |
Width |
Specifies the width of the button |