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RadCalendarDay Collection Editor

The RadCalendarDay Collection Editor of the ASP NET AJAX Calendar lets you define "special days" that the calendar control treats in a different way than the other days in its display. Special days can correspond to public holidays, vacation days, birthdays, and so on.

To display the RadCalendarDay Collection Editor, locate the SpecialDays property in the properties pane for the RadCalendar control and click the ellipsis button. RadCalendarDay Collection editor

Use the Add and Remove buttons to add or remove special days.

Select a special day and set its properties using the properties grid of the editor. The following table describes the properties of each special day:

Property Description
Date The date that is set aside as a "special day". This value is interpreted based on the value of the Repeatable property.
IsDisabled When true , the special day is disabled in the calendar.
IsSelectable When true , the special day can be selected in the calendar.
IsSelected When true , the calendar starts up with the special day selected.
IsToday When true , the calendar defines the special day as "today".
IsWeekend When true , the special day is formatted as a weekend day.
ItemStyle A composite property that lets you assign the style properties of the special day so that it is visually distinct.
Repeatable Allows the special day definition to apply to several days in the calendar. Possible values are: DayInMonth - Only the day part of the Date property is used. The special day repeats every month on the same day; Today - The special day settings control the appearance and behavior of today's date. The value of the Date property is ignored; DayAndMonth - Only the month and day part of the Date property are used. The special day repeats every year on the same month and day; WeekDayWeekNumberAndMonth - Only the weekday (Mon, Tue, etc.), the week number, and the month are used. The special day repeats every year on a specific weekday in a specific week. Can be used for repeatable holidays that are on a different date each year. For instance Martin Luther King Jr. Day: every third Monday of January. Only the week number, the weekday (Mon, Tue, etc) and the month are used; WeekAndMonth - Only the day of the week and the month of the Date property are used. The special day repeats once a week on the same day for a specific month; Week - Only the day of the week of the Date property is used. The special day repeats every week on the same day; None - The special day occurs on the date specified by the Date property. It does not repeat.
TemplateID Identifies a dynamic day template that is used to display the special day. Dynamic day templates are defined using the DayTemplate Collection Editor.
ToolTip A string that appears as a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over the special day.

If you set the Repeatable property for a special day to anything other than "None", you must either enable postbacks ( AutoPostBack = True ) or set the EnableRepeatableDaysOnClient property to True .

Following is a sample illustrating the use of the Repeatable property:

<telerik:RadCalendar RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadCalendar1" runat="server" FocusedDate="1.2008">
        <telerik:RadCalendarDay Date="2008/01/21" Repeatable="WeekDayWeekNumberAndMonth" IsSelectable="false" >
           <ItemStyle Font-Bold="true"  />

See Also

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