Client-side Programming Overview
RadButton provides a flexible client-side API. You can easily interact with the button in the browser using the RadButton client-side object. In addition to a variety of client-side events, the client-side object model lets you achieve complicated tasks while avoiding unnecessary post-backs.
Getting the RadButton client-side object
RadButton creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the button. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:
var button = $find("<%= RadButton1.ClientID %>");
var button = $telerik.findButton("<%= RadButton1.ClientID %>");
Client-side Object Model
Telerik RadButton provides the following objects on the client-side:
Events and Properties | Description |
.add_load() | The name of the javascript function called when the control loads. |
.remove_load() | Removes a handler for the load event |
.add_clicking() | The name of the javascript function called when the RadButton control is clicked. |
.remove_clicking() | Removes a handler for the clicking event. |
.add_clicked() | The name of the javascript function called when the RadButton control is clicked. |
.remove_clicked() | Removes a handler for the clicked event. |
.add_mouseOver() | The name of the javascript function called when the mouse hovers over the control. |
.remove_mouseOver() | Removes a handler for the mouseOver event. |
.add_mouseOut() | The name of the javascript function when the mouse leaves the control. |
.remove_mouseOut() | Removes a handler for the mouseOut event. |
.add_checkedChanging() | The name of the javascript function called when the Checked property of the RadButton control is about to be changed. |
.remove_checkedChanging() | Removes a handler for the checkedChanging event. |
.add_checkedChanged() | The name of the javascript function called after the Checked property of the RadButton control is changed. |
.remove_checkedChanged() | Removes a handler for the checkedChanged event. |
.add_toggleStateChanging() | The name of the javascript function called when the SelectedToggleStateIndex property of the RadButton control is about to be changed. |
.remove_toggleStateChanging() | Removes a handler for the toggleStateChanging event. |
.add_toggleStateChanged() | The name of the javascript function called after the SelectedToggleStateIndex property of the RadButton control is changed. |
.remove_toggleStateChanged() | Removes a handler for the toggleStateChanged event. |
.clearCheckedRadios() | Clears the checked state of the Radio buttons with the specified GroupName. |
.focus() | Brings the focus to the RadButton control. |
.click() | Executes programmatic button click. Accepts an optional boolean parameter that specifies whether the client-sideclicking eventofRadButton will be fired when the control is clicked programmatically. If the function is called without parameter, the clicking event will not be fired. |
.get_enabled() | Returns a value, indicating whether the button control is enabled. |
.set_enabled() | Sets whether the button is enabled. Set the true param to enable, or false to disable the button |
.get_readOnly() | Returns a value, indicating whether the button control is in read-only mode. |
.set_readOnly() | Sets a value, indicating whether the button control is in read-only mode. |
.get_text() | The text displayed in the RadButton control. |
.set_text() | Sets the text displayed in the RadButton control. |
.get_toolTip() | Gets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadButton control. |
.set_toolTip() | Sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadButton control. |
.get_uniqueID() | Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the RadButton control. |
.get_checked() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control is checked. |
.set_checked() | Sets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control is checked. |
.get_buttonType() | Gets the type of the button. |
.get_toggleType() | Gets the toggle type of the RadButton when used as a toggle button. |
.get_target() | Gets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ). |
.set_target() | Sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ). |
.get_navigateUrl() | Gets the URL to link to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ). |
.set_navigateUrl() | Sets the URL to link to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ). |
.get_primaryIconElement() | Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the primary icon. |
.get_secondaryIconElement() | Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the secondary icon. |
.get_textElement() | Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the text of the RadButton control. |
.get_cssClass() | Gets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the RadButton control on the client. |
.get_disabledCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied when the control is disabled. |
.get_hoveredCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the mouse pointer is over the control. |
.get_pressedCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the control is pressed. |
.get_commandName() | Gets the command name associated with the RadButton control that is passed to the Command event. |
.set_commandName() | Sets the command name associated with the RadButton control that is passed to the Command event. |
.get_commandArgument() | Gets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName. |
.set_commandArgument() | Sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName |
.get_autoPostBack() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control automatically posts back to the server when clicked. |
.set_autoPostBack() | Sets or sets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control automatically posts back to the server when clicked. |
.get_toggleStates() | Gets a collection of RadButtonToggleState objects that belong to the RadButton control. |
.get_selectedToggleState() | Gets the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control when used as a custom toggle button. |
.get_selectedToggleStateIndex() | Gets the index of the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control, when used as a custom toggle button. |
.set_selectedToggleStateIndex() | Sets the index of the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control, when used as a custom toggle button. |
.get_groupName() | Gets the name of the group that the RadButton of ToggleType=Radio, belongs to. |
.get_height() | Gets the height of the RadButton control. |
.get_width() | Gets the width of the RadButton control. |
.get_enableSplitButton() | Specifies whether the 'Split Button' functionality is Enabled/Disabled. |
.IsImageButton() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is an image button |
.IsInputTypeSubmit() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is a submit button |
.get_singleClick() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control will be immediately disabled after the user has clicks it.(i.e. enables/disables "Single Click" functionality) |
.get_singleClickText() | Gets the text displayed in the RadButton control after the button is being clicked and disabled. (i.e. the text used for the 'Single Click' functionality) |
.enableAfterSingleClick() | Enables the button and restores the button's text, after it has been disabled by a single click. |
.get_visible() | Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is visible. |
.set_visible() | Shows/hides the button. |
.get_validationGroup() | Gets the name of ValidationGroup to which RadButton is assigned. |
.set_validationGroup() | Sets the validation group to which RadButton should be assigned. |
Properties | Description |
.get_index() | Gets the 0-based index of the ToggleState object in the ToggleStates collection. |
.get_text() | Gets the text displayed in the RadButton control. |
.get_cssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control. |
.get_hoveredCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the mouse pointer is over the control. |
.get_pressedCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the control is pressed. |
.get_height() | Gets the height of the RadButton control. |
.get_width() | Gets the width of the RadButton control. |
.get_primaryIconCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the Primary Icon. |
.get_primaryIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image used as Primary Icon. |
.get_primaryHoveredIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image showed when the Primary Icon is hovered. |
.get_primaryPressedIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image showed when the Primary Icon is pressed. |
.get_primaryIconHeight() | Gets the Height of the Primary Icon. |
.get_primaryIconWidth() | Gets the Width of the Primary Icon. |
.get_primaryIconTop() | Gets the top edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_primaryIconLeft() | Gets the left edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_primaryIconBottom() | Gets the bottom edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_primaryIconRight() | Gets the right edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_secondaryIconCssClass() | Gets the CSS class applied to the Secondary Icon. |
.get_secondaryIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image used as Secondary Icon. |
.get_secondaryHoveredIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image showed when the Secondary Icon is hovered. |
.get_secondaryPressedIconUrl() | Gets the URL to the image showed when the Secondary Icon is pressed. |
.get_secondaryIconHeight() | Gets the Height of the Secondary Icon. |
.get_secondaryIconWidth() | Gets the Width of the Secondary Icon. |
.get_secondaryIconTop() | Gets the top edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_secondaryIconLeft() | Gets the left edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_secondaryIconBottom() | Gets the bottom edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_secondaryIconRight() | Gets the right edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element. |
.get_isBackgroundImage() | Gets a bool value indicating how the iImage is used - i.e. as a background image or as an Image Button. |
.get_imageUrl() | Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control. |
.get_hoveredImageUrl() | Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control, when the mouse pointer is over the control. |
.get_pressedImageUrl() | Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control, when the control is pressed. |