The OnClientFileDropped client-side event occurs when file(s) are dropped on some of the drop zones of RadAsyncUpload or on the control itself. If more then one file is dropped the event is fired for each one of them.
The event handler receives two parameters:
The instance of the RadAsyncUpload control firing the event.
An eventArgs parameter containing the following methods:
get_row returns the row containing the file input field for the file that was just selected (<li> element)
get_file returns the file that is dropped and that is about to be uploaded.
get_originalDropEvent returns the original drop event that can provide the drop target element.
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadAsyncUpload1" OnClientFileDropped="OnClientFileDropped"></telerik:RadAsyncUpload>
function OnClientFileDropped(sender, args) {
var dropTarget = args.get_originalDropEvent().target.parentElement.className;